DumSpiroSpero profile picture



About Me

When I was younger, I would always search really hard when I saw a "hidden driveway" sign as if someone would give me a prize if i found the secret doorway where cars come out of. I wish people could hibernate like bears. Crash for two months and then stay awake for five. Would probably be the best damn sleep of my life. When i grow up I want to work for Crayola, because i think i can come up with better names and colors than "Purple Mountain's Majesty" or "red-orange". Lazor lemon is still cool though. I have my bartending certification now. Gee what a great job. Getting paid to get people wasted. Hell id do it for free. Kinda like how Forrest Gump mows those laws. Damn boy. And because his mom died on a Tuesday, and Hitler invaded Poland (Springs) on a Tuesday, and more people die in the US on Tuesdays than any other day I think it should be excluded from the week entirely. I wonder if every soul in the universe tried really hard at the exact same moment to not believe Tuesdays exist then they would dissapear from calenders, palm pilots and history as we know it. Hm, Im gonna go out and try. Im pretty ticked off that dinosaurs are gone. It saddens me that I will never have a teradactyl burger in my entire life. I guess koalas are still fair game, but I'd have to go to Austarilia in the Spring when those fuzzy little bastards are ripe for the pickin'. If life ever throws you lemons...seek help. Wonder how an intangible entity such as "life" can throw something. And even if this life thing did suddenly find some arms, why the shit would it toss fruit? If someone threw a lemon at me, my first thought would not be to automatically begin quenching my thirst with a sweet-but-tangy iced beverage. Five 4 three 2 one one 2 three four 5...drink up killer.AIM- eyesXXopen

My Interests

We might die from medication, but we sure killed all the pain. But what was normal in the evening, by the morning seems insane.