sw0LLeN_oRacLe profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

iM jUsT a sImpLe pErs0n wIth gReAt aSsEts!!!

My Interests

20% pEr AnNum!!! aHahAhaH!!! jUz kiDdIn', oF koRs!!

I'd like to meet:

iM iN sEaRcH oF s0mE oF tHe m0sT faVoRaBLe cReAtUrEs oN eArTh s0 I c0uLd hAvE pEeRs hERe!!!


n0tHinG eLsE bUt tHe oNeS tHat rEaLLy R-O-C-K-S!!!


LoRd oF tHe RiNgS sEqUeLs!!