Amadeus Meerkat profile picture

Amadeus Meerkat

About Me

¡CONTACTA!: [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 10/30/2007
Band Members: Owen O'Hara
(voz / guitarra / glockenspiel / sus labores) Mar Márquez
(voz / huevo(s) / bouzouki marikisuki)Georg Bungard
(bajo / voz / bungardo's professional style)Carlos Sánchez
(guitarra eléctrica / gadgetopedales / autoguagua)Enric Ponsa
(batería / cacharros preciosos / ruperta)
Influences: John Zorn, Rilke, Radiohead, Cuentin B.L., Bach, Tom Waits, nutritional yeast, Bill Hicks, fig trees, Trey Spruance, Alan Moore, WS Burroughs, Mike Patton, Kodály, Slayer, Mozart, Tool, Mulatu Astatké, Henry Miller, Marc Ribot, Melt Banana, Don DeLillo, Robert Crumb, Werner Herzog, Bruce Chatwin, Mr. Bungle, Nikola Tesla, David Lynch, Velvet Underground, Paul Klee, Julio Cortázar, Robert Fripp, Greek basil, Frank Black, Philip K Dick, Chico Hamilton, Janis Joplin, Breughel the Elder, Nacho the Intrepid, Taraf de Haidouks, Martin Amis, David Byrne, Jello Biafra, Beckett, Secret Chiefs 3, Antonin Artaud, Sam Lipsyte, Tim Buckley, Thomas Pynchon, the stuff you find in between your toes and in the backwaters of your heart/ lo que te encuentras entre los dedos de los pies y en los recovecos de tu corazón.
Record Label: Wet Head Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New tunes on the way yoyo samurai!...

We've been busybusy since ends of April on a spanking new EP. The rhythm sections we recorded with sterling Marco in his Micromaltese shop, and from thence on to the meerkatcave to layer on guitar, ma...
Posted by on Wed, 27 May 2009 10:04:00 GMT