CURRENT MOON moon phase
dreamcell is not foreground,
dreamcell is only background,
dreamcell is there to underline your activities,
dreamcell goes good with tea,
dreamcell causes thoughts to drift,
dreamcell enhances conversations,
dreamcell is the soundtrack to your favorite book,
dreamcell is an excuse to chill,
dreamcell knows no one will dance,
dreamcell does not encourage dancing,
dreamcell causes comfort and non-irritability in users,
dreamcell wants to remain behind the curtain,
dreamcell only wants you to enjoy its host,
dreamcell contains no CFCs,
dreamcell can assist your pen when writing,
dreamcell causes friendship,
dreamcell did the dishes,
dreamcell is your best friend,
dreamcell is a casual acquaintance,
dreamcell is and always shall be background,
dreamcell causes flights of fancy imaginings,
dreamcell goes way out,
dreamcell centers within,
dreamcell does not causes rashes or runny noses with use,
dreamcell does not cause you to see your doctor for more information,
dreamcell sees stars,
dreamcell remains on earth,
dreamcell will not talk to you,
dreamcell listens to the beauty of your words,
dreamcell loves the printed page,
dreamcell looks for nothing at all,
dreamcell vacuumed the living room,
dreamcell doesnt care if you repost or not,
dreamcell would be grateful if one did,
new're in it...please make yourself comfortable...we will be leaving soon and arriving on time...we just don't know where we're going...the journey is all that matters, is it not? yes it is...