OUR NEWEST MUSIC VIDEO! It's for our chart topping song "How Troublesome," and like our other video, it had a zero dollar budget. Unlike the other video though, this one has Jon in it...
Our OTHER zero dollar budget music video that's missing Jon! Youtube also likes to cause a slight delay in the video/sound, so dont blame that on the budget haha...
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Well, well, well, what can I say? We're fourside and we would love for you to love our music. If you do, download it. If you don't, download it and show it to someone who will. But remember, if you do download anything, be sure to let us know so we can keep track. We love to hear from people too, so feel free to leave comments, send messages, or even IM us. Look to the left and you'll find our screennames.
So yeah, use our music to your full advantage. Play it in the car on a first date, and if that first date goes really well then play it at your wedding. Heck, if you like us that much we will PLAY your wedding. Our music can make things happen. Just remember, the best has yet to come.
Oh yeah, we have a purevolume too, but we love myspace more. If you wanna check it out, its...
We have some acoustic stuff posted on there that's not on here, so be sure to check it out and download the songs.
And thanks to Brian Klima for handling our acoustic recordings of "Wait For It" and "In Response To Your Dirty Looks."
WOW! Look at this sweet banner!
OMG Copy this code to your myspace to help support us!