If you truly want to understand and get the full story on me read my blogs/notes which tackle various issues for in this section I will only give a summary about my life currently, not my outlook as I do in my blogs/notes. I took a large chunk off of this section so that I could handle those issues individually. I would love to hear feedback from you as I am always open to new ideas and thoughts.My heroes are my moms (superwoman) and paps (superman), sister and brother, John Wooden, Don Haskins, Ben Howland, Tupac, Magic Johnson, Steve Nash, Muhammad Ali, Allen Iverson, Al Pacino, Hossein Rezazadeh (the strongest man in the world), Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Che Guevara, Angelina Jolie (humanitarian), “V,†the Persian guy from the Modesto liquor store on ABC (Edward Petrossi) haha, and anyone who is honest, loyal, doesn't gossip, isn't jealously competitive especially among members of one's own community (classic Persian flaw), benevolent and unselfish, humble, and above all…simple(which implies the aforementioned qualities).I love to watch the Lakers, Bruins, and Persian soccer! Ey val ey val! ''I'm a sucker for love'' like Tupac. I love my family and friends more than anything whether in Iran or in the U.S.I've been back home to Iran 12 or so times every summer since I was lil'. Even though there isn't much to love about Iran looking from the outside there's plenty once you discover the inside and take the culture in…it will take over your heart. I would highly recommend going and getting in touch with your real roots, not de gossiping Iruni, who is de first to valk all over his hamvatan and who alvays deresses to go to de kelub 24/7 and causes derama. News for many of you, that's not the Persian culture.At any rate, the hospitality, the people, and the culture of our country can't be found or duplicated anywhere else. Faghat gol koocheek until 7 am, estadium Azadi, my TP family in Tehran, villas in Shomal, vacations in Kish, sound systems in cars that are worth more than the car itself, and the parties! In Iran you find the simplest things to laugh about and enjoy since there is so much depression and nothing to do. It definitely makes you realize the important things in life such as family, friends, and God. It's a simplistic view of life and strays away from the materialism that consumes our daily lives, especially Persians. You should give Iran a chance and look at our beautiful country (the lion) on the inside, it's characteristics, not at it's government or current physical appearance (post and pre-revolutionary Iran are two totally different countries both cosmetically and functionally. As we know our country looks like a lion or cat. Don't judge the country by her aggressive and mean appearance, give her a chance and find her heart…lil’ tidbit about my approach.I am currently double majoring in Iranian Studies and History at UCLA and am entering my __ year. Haha, let’s just say they call me Van…Van Wilder. On that note however, I really find it funny that people are in such a rush to leave college. I mean I understand if the situation is financial. However, if it’s just because you’re so consumed about what other people are going to think then you’re making a mistake, in fact a huge one! When it’s all said and done, after a 100 years of life, more or less, what is a few years extra spent in college? I mean everyone eventually gets to retirement, and let’s face it, a fairly dull last few years and low quality of life right? So why not extend that, postpone it so that at least when you get there you can say you lived it up and soaked up the “collegiate experience.†I put that in quotes because that is one of my famous phrases as I am known to look at every single event as a “collegiate experience.†If I was to get shot in the ass it would be a “collegiate experience†haha. Seriously though, stop being so consumed about what other people think (another classic Persian characteristic) and just live your life on your terms, not somebody else’s.Life is about footprints and impact. The footprints you leave and the impact you have both while you’re here…and while you’re gone. When I came to UCLA I placed great emphasis on fostering a campus and home for current and future Persian students. I achieved that by joining the only Persian fraternity in all of America, Sigma Pi Beta (PSAC). There I took office in all positions, including President, and can now leave UCLA proud of our achievements and the brotherhood we established knowing that although earlier facing dismantlement , it is here to stay for generations upon generations.I look to leave another footprint as I am training like Stalone in Rocky to try out for the NBA. Depending upon how that goes my life will take form. I am currently going through a lot of changes, particularly career ones. Growing up I always expected to be some type of doctor and have been on that path since I’ve been here despite my majors being in the humanities. However I now enjoy a sort of recent liberty where I feel much more free from obstacles and now welcome my dreams. Dreams of the NBA and Hollywood. That is where I stand now…taking risks and entering unfamiliar grounds with either dental school or medical school to fall back on if my dreams do not become reality.
To live having constantly failed I can endure, to regret but once I cannot.All in all, a few meaningful quotes that attempt to sum me up as an individual:''Down wit ya 'till the very end - cuz you ain't never had a friend like me.''"A true friend will see you through when others see that you are through.""The true measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew
the world would never find out.
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