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About Me

Earshot’s Jewelry
Protecting your hearing in style! Earplugs are an indicator that you love music so much you always want to be able to hear it!
A few facts about Earshot’s Jewelry:
• Earshot’s Jewelry is made with 32 decibel reducing earplugs
• Earshot’s Jewelry is made with non-toxic glue
• Earshot’s can be custom made with any color earplug and/or specific charm
• Due to the solid engineering, your earplugs won’t get lost! Style and safety in one!
• Used for concerts, raves, shooting galleries, lawn mowing, snowmobiling and sporting events.
• When Earshot’s earplugs become discolored, a new set is suggested!
Earshot’s are not meant to get wet.
Who should wear Earshots?
Anyone looking to prevent hearing loss in style! Live music lovers, musicians, concert attendees, NASCAR fans, ravers, dancers, bouncers, bartenders, entrepreneurial enthusiasts, jewelry lovers, metal heads, groupies and bandaids!
Did you know?
Rock Concerts emit 120 decibel levels, in which hearing loss can occur after 9 seconds! Snowmobiles emit 100 decibels, hearing loss can occur after 15 minutes. Stadium Football games are 90 decibels, hearing loss can occur in 2 hours, and 31 minutes! Noise levels in stadiums and arenas can even exceed 110 decibels. This is most frequently caused by crowd noise, although music and announcements can contribute to the decibel level.
Any sound above 140 dBA causes immediate acoustic trauma and instantaneous hearing loss. While target shooting at a gallery, gunshots typically produce decibel levels of at least 160 dBA. During any of these events, without the proper hearing protection damage to your hearing can occur!
Hazardous noise and sounds louder than 80 decibels, are considered potentially dangerous. Both the amount of noise and the length of time of exposure determine the amount of damage. Hair cells of the inner ear and the hearing nerve can be damaged by an intense brief impulse, like an explosion, or by continuous and/or repeated exposure to noise.
Warning Signs of Hazardous Noise
• You have pain or ringing on your ears (tinnitus) after exposure to noise
• You must raise your voice to be heard
• You can't hear someone two feet away from you
• Speech around you sounds muffled or dull after leaving a noise area
Examples of noise levels considered dangerous by experts are:
a lawnmower, a rock concert, firearms, firecrackers, headset listening systems, motorcycles, tractors, household appliances (garbage disposals, blenders, food processors/choppers, etc.).
Can't my ears "adjust" and "get used" to regular noise?
If you think you have "gotten used to" the noise you are routinely exposed to, then most likely you have already suffered damage and have acquired a permanent hearing loss. Don't be fooled by thinking your ears are "tough" or that you have the ability to "tune it out"! Noise induced hearing loss is usually gradual and painless, but, unfortunately, permanent. Once destroyed, the hearing nerve and its sensory nerve cells do not regenerate!
Physical Changes
The most notable physical effect of noise exposure is loss of hearing. Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) affects children, adolescents, young adults, and older adults. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), National Institutes of Health (NIH) the National Institute on Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) have noted that, because of noise in our society, hearing loss is appearing much earlier in life than would have been expected just 30 years ago.
Noise not only affects hearing. It affects other parts of the body and body systems:
• Increases blood pressure
• Has negative cardiovascular effects such as changing the way the heart beats
• Increases breathing rate
• Disturbs digestion
• Can cause an upset stomach or ulcer
• Can negatively impact a developing fetus, perhaps contributing to premature birth
• Makes it difficult to sleep, even after the noise stops
• Intensifies the effects of factors like drugs, alcohol, and aging!
Research is on going and continues to provide data suggesting the devastating effects of noise on health. Research is also investigating factors that may contribute to one's susceptibility to noise induced hearing loss.
Other Changes
Noise can also hamper performance of daily tasks, increase fatigue, and cause irritability. Noise can reduce efficiency in performing daily tasks by reducing attention to tasks.
Because of noise, we often find ourselves fatigued and irritable. We don't even realize the effect until the noisy hubbub stops and we feel relief. From another perspective, your own inability to hear and understand others clearly can cause you to feel angry and frustrated. Instead of accepting the problem is yours, you misdirect your feelings to others and blow up at them.
Noise also makes speech communication harder. More concentration and energy is needed not only to listen and hear over the noise but also to speak louder above the noise. As a result, voices can be strained and vocal cord abuses, such as laryngitis, develop. It is a physical strain to carry on even an enjoyable conversation in the presence of noise.
Protect yourself from noise with Earshot’s! The key word in dealing with noise is prevention!

***This information was taken from the following websites:
http://www.asha.org/public/hearing/disorders/noise.htm http://www.drf.org/hh_dictionary/noise_hearing.htm
Background from flickr user

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

live music lovers, musicians, concert attendees, ravers, NASCAR fans, dancers, bouncers, bartenders, jewelry lovers, entrepreneurial enthusiasts, metal heads, groupies and anyone looking to maintain optimal hearing and ROCK OUT!

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