The Nevada Youth Libertarian Organization was formed in 2007 by 18-year-old Libertarians Matt Johnson and Jeremy Coyle. In March of 2008, A good friend of Matt Johnson, Cody Cunningham joined the NYLO leadership and is currently one of the main moderators. Their goal is to reach out to young Libertarians in their area. The dream of NYLO is to one day transform America's disenchanted youth into active political participants who will uphold the ideals of the Libertarian Party. As of now, NYLO is a budding organization and needs the help of young Libertarians across Nevada. We are also inspiring to endorse and help elect local officials!
The first tuesday of every month at 7pm, the Nevada Libertarian Party meets at Boomerang's. They discuss the issues, they have candidates talk with voters, they have platform meetings, as well as many other things and they have fun doing it. Come out, bring a friend to learn about Libertarianism, meet the candidates and get involved within the party!
Boomerangs is located at 6650 Vegas Dr, Las Vegas, NV. It is located across from the Las Vegas Mini Grand Prix. We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm.
Libertarian Party of Nevada
PO Box 34688
Las Vegas, NV 89133-4688
Phone: (702) 382-1776
Nevada Party Site:
Main Party Site:
We Support:
An end to the conflict in Iraq
Lower taxes
Smaller government
More freedom
Following the Constitution
Civil rights
Decriminalization of marijuana
The right to bear arms
and free-market economics