what is change for charity? change for charity is a program that two friends decided to start to help the world/ community. the thing is we're trying to collect change from our community to help our charity. so we need your help to help others. we want to make a change for the world. this is not a scam, this is the real deal. we would like you to donate any change that you have, even if it's a cent, give whatever you can, everything counts. we're trying to help others who don't have the things that we have like food clothes shelter etc. we're going to do all that we can to help fix that and we would appreciate it if you'd help us as well. how could you donate? you can find us at your local shows/ concert or wherever we may be, we'll inform you. we'll be starting this pretty soon! look out for us! to contact us send us a message
to austin browne or sengdara 'jimmy' vorachack
promote charity for a change
help spread the word about our program by putting this on your page!
Copy & paste banner code to add to your profile!
support us and we'll support you!
we'll put up your banners, on our top friends
if you do the same for us