Behind the Music:Originally formed in 1978, those little bastardz, Ronny Jones and Jeff Rogers met with great intentions of becoming rock starz. To their disadvantage was the fact that neither could play an instrument and for that matter couldn’t decide what instruments to play. This first rendition of those dumb little bastardz soon disbanded due to lack of talent and slight cases of Attention Deficit Disorder.As years passed, efforts were made to increase talents and direction. Jeff finally decided to concentrate on playing guitar, instead of drums, bass, saxophone and harp. While Ronny ultimately settled on vocals after finding that Paul Stanley didn’t play the xylophone and that the instrument just didn’t fit the style music they wanted to pursue. A plan of action was unveiled to form their first real cover band and take over the world! Unsuccessful at taking over the world, the two parted ways once again.After several attempts at rock stardom Jeff retired from the music biz, while Ronny trekked on, meeting other goofy bastardz along the way. Among those bastardz, T.T. Steel (Life Coach), an emerging talent on the bass and out of key harmonies, joined forces with Ronny and became the newest version of those crazy bastards. Ronny needed a backbone for this band; enter Chuck Skibo. After a three year hiatus from playing drums, Chuck decided to offer his talents to semi-complete this masterpiece in the making.The dilemma, to be truly sensational they needed a guitarist so skillful, so proficient, so adept…….they knew of no one. Then Ronny remembered of his old pal Jeff who was none of these things, but he would do! Those Sensational Bastardz was born in the summer of 2007 and have been rokken clubs in the midwest ever since.
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