Secular Party profile picture

Secular Party

About Me

Religions are difficult to talk about - that's part of the problem. We believe in religious freedom, but not to the extent that religious beliefs should be imposed upon others. Unfortunately, if we look around ourselves realistically, many of our problems today are caused by just that. Those that think they are possessed of the "one true religion" assume they are entitled to impose their beliefs upon others. We disagree.
After centuries of religious warfare in Europe, modern civilisation was built on the concept of secularism - the separation of religion from the public sphere. With the problem of terrorism, and the even greater problems caused by the "war on terror", many of the pillars on which our civilisation was built are eroding. Our liberties are being curtailed by draconian legislation. Internationally, the rule of law is being disregarded. Rational thought is no longer considered paramount. Secularism has been eroded and replaced by tacit endorsement of all forms of religion, especially in education. Religious intolerance is increasing, as is social disharmony.
We aim to reverse these trends and reassert the ideal of establishing truth through reason and observation. We aim to re-establish the ideal that represents the only real alternative to sectarian strife - the ideal of secularism, based on the universal values of honesty, compassion, freedom and justice. In view of the many problems that humanity faces in the 21st century, this is a critical task. We need your support, and your help.
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&lta href=" 9tL3NlY3VsYXJwYXJ0eQ=="&gt &ltimg src=" defani.gif"&gt

My Interests

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My Blog

ANSA Conference, Sydney - Wed 9th July 2008 Australian National Secular AssociationConference: Wednesday 9th July 2008  9am-5pmThe Secular Twins: Australia and New Zealand's Secular He...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 03:01:00 GMT

MEDIA RELEASE: Government Sponsored Pilgramage

The Secular Party of AustraliaP.O. Box 6004Melbourne, Vic. 8008 RELEASE GOVERNMENT SPONSORED PILGRAMAGEThe NSW government is flouting Freedom of Information laws to conce...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:06:00 GMT

Gloria Jeans and Mercy Ministries

This story almost sounds unbelievable in today’s age. The Sydney Morning Herald has reported that a so called charity called "Mercy Ministries" which has strong connections to the Hillsong Churc...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 08:47:00 GMT

Federal Government to Secularise School Chaplaincy

The Herald Sun has reported that the Rudd Government is going to "secularise" the Howard Governments $90 million policy of funding chaplains in schools.This is obviously great news, and welcomed, alth...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 15:13:00 GMT

MEDIA RELEASE: Irrational Belief Results in Criminal Acts

The Secular Party of AustraliaP.O. Box 6004Melbourne, Vic. 8008 RELEASEIRRATIONAL BELIEF RESULTS IN CRIMINAL ACTSAbu Bakar Bashir’s latest comments are an example o...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 05:16:00 GMT