I'm just a simple person with simple interests. I love Art as much as my family and my friends. I speak both Italian and English Languages. I do have fun, but I'm disiplined with my work (yes, hard work); some considered me as a workoholic by few people but I don't care as long as it gets the work done. I'm happy of being myself because everyone is unique and different in this world and we should be proud of that.
Anime Los Angeles 2007 - #23 Akatsuki's Day Off
Fading Moon @ Anime Los Angeles 2007 - #08 Yaoi
SPLASS Productions: Death Note Dance-Off - OhayoCon 2007
PMX 2006 Masquerade - Kingdom Hearts
Dane Cook - Burger King, Fullmetal style.These videos are absolutely hilarious, it really makes me laugh from their fantasic performances. Disclaimer: Videos are not mine.
Layout by CoolChaser