About Me


Hey guys:)
Here's new supporter - Anna.
And message fom Allan's blog:
Hi check out my cd at cd baby. and now on I tunes.
let me hear from you :)
Hi everyone here we are new Allan..s Christmas Contest!!!
there are two ways to win the contest!
CA$H prize for two winners of $100.00 cash each.
Here's the first way to win
Add at least two of Allan..s songs on your myspace player.
That's it!!
Send a message that you have added the songs with your url and you will be given a number.. December 08 Allan will do a drawing
the winner will get $100.
00 cash just in time to go Christmas shopping!
The second way you can win is easy too!
The person that sends to Allan the most friends that add me to their page
Wins on Dec 08 a $100.00 cash..
Now of course your friends that you send to Allan..a page our eligible to enter the contests also...ok!
Make sure the friends you send enter your url so we can keep track..
Thats it!! This will be really fun!!
If you have any questions contact Allan on http://www.
Thanks again for your love guys ;)
Heellooo everybody!
as u know Allan have a few new songs on his porofile! if u didnt heard them yet go to his Official Myspace Page and listen
Also i have one message for u guys from Allan! He really needs ur help guys!
"Hi everyone
Say Good bye is on radio Disney with over 20,000 requsts so far..
Thank you so much for your love and support....
Can we make it 25,000 i know we can!
I know all of you are busy when you get a chance can you vote for me again..
Just click on the banner and request my song."
Thank you so much
Love Allan
and also u can find on Allans Official Myspace Page awesome contest! u can win there for example great Ipod!!
and what u need to do is only a short video with ur dance or sing to one of Allan Cutlers song which one u can find on his profile (u can find there his lyrics also;P
So dont wait just go and join this great contest!
Keep smailing guys!
and keep helping ;)
Love yaaaa
Heyy today is Allan..s Bday !1 go on his page and wish him all the best :):) lol .. btw today as well is Womens Day....and i would like wish u girls all the best ;)
Love yaaa
For contest details go now to
Hey guys! Allan Cutler needs your help! He wants YOU to design his World Team Shirt. Here is what you need to do. Design a graphic for the shirt. It has to say Allan Cutler World Team on it. Each Country will be added. After you design a graphic, send it to us in a message. After the deadline, the pictures will be sent to Allan for him to make the final decision. The winner will win a free t-shirt and an autographed picture of Allan!! The deadline is March 7th. (The day before Allans Birthday!) So start designing and sending in your entries!!!
Message us with any questions
(thats mean to
Good luck guys!!!
kisses and love
Message from Allan
Saturday Pre-Grammy party Hosted by Ne-yo
Last minute they told me it was total casual dress. so i didnt get to wear my and it was such an exclusive guest list.
It was such a total kick back atmosphere there.
The place was like layed out weird like 3 different big rooms like a bar lounge type atmosphere. But it wasn't like this Big grand affair like i thought it would be it was so layed back and
Ne-yo and I talked a lot it was really cool, he is very nice..he's really cool people.
Heres some of the celebs that where there:
Stevie Wonder
Chris Brown
D. Woods
Nicole Scherzinger
Nick Cannon
DJ Wrek
Super Nanny
Chris Daughtry
Blake Lewis
there all cool people really nice.
When i was leaving with Gil they told us over 1200 people were turned away at the door..Crazy huh?
You should check out my photos
Love Allan
PS check out my media on my page .. check out what some of my fans did for me..I love my fans so much!!
Heeeellllooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do You wanna be on Allan Cutler World Team Poland tops friends?????
Its really easy way for that =]
Just tell your friends about this site :) and make sure if your friends with send to me friend request will send your address url as well !!!!!!
Come on guys =]
Show me how u like Allan (and me ha lol)
Love Youuuuuuuuuuu
kisses and love
Allan..s updates
Monday; I was in the studio all day!
Tuesday; Myspace/Music Studio/myspace
Wednesday; Myspace/Music studio/Myspace
Thursday; Music Studio
Friday; Dance/studio
Saturday; Dance/myspace
Sunday; open
Love Allan Cutler
Allan..s updates
Every thing is going really good in the music studio.
Everything seems to be on schedule in fact the finish dates have been pushed up two weeks so that helps! I will be in the studio all afternoon and evening.
I have my I phone and my laptop so on breaks i will jump on to myspace and say hi!
I love you guys, I'm so lucky to have you as a friend!
Love always Allan Cutler
Allan..s updates for this week
Monday : /Open?/Business Calls/Myspace/personal business
Tuesday :Music Studio/Myspace
Wednesday : /Open/Business call/ Business meeting/myspace
Thursday : Music studio/myspace/ Dinner meeting /myspace
Friday : Open/studio/dance / Myspace
Saturday : Open/Dance /open/ myspace
Sunday : /Open/ MySpace
for all updates and schedules please check back with this Fan site.
Thank you so much for your love and support.
Love Allan Cutler
Updates from Allan
Monday I was on business calls all morning, I go out to dinner with a public realations firm and my Producer in Beverly Hills...
Tuesday I will be in the Shepford studio for a meeting on alot of stuff one being song choice for the music video. I will meet Missy Elliot
tomorrow also we may even work on a song I just found out mmm?
Wednsday I'm going to Mark Jackson Studio to work with Jacki boyz
Thursday I'll be back in the music studio with Shep to work my songs.
Friday: I meet with the firm another music agency..they work with big names like One Republic and so on...yes I still havent decided on who or when yet.
Saturday is working with dance all day,
Sunday I'm meeting with Jenn Hoffman my production team to do the photo shoot...i'm really excited alot going on.
Love Allan Cuttler.
Message from Allan
Thank you all for your love and support...I can't thank you enough.., It means so much to me you dont even know! This next month is incredibly exciting and busy time for me..This is were the rubber meets the road. It's hammer time!
1. I will be in the studio finishing my 6 songs for the record labels.
2. I will be working with Tom John my new Choreographer
3. my new Music Video
4 For all new updates please check any of the fan sites on my top friends
Please leave me your comments and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Love Allan Cutler PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile[LOVEMYFLASH]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


My Blog

Lyric to - You got It bad (+ polskie tlumaczenie )

YOU GOT IT BAD   Oh, no, no, no, no, no...When you feel it in your bodyYou found somebody who makes you change your waysLike hanging with your crewSaid you act like youre readyBut you dont really...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:16:00 GMT

News from 31.12.2007

Thank you all for your love and support...I can't thank you enough.., It means so much to me you dont even know!This next month is incredibly exciting and busy time for me..This is were the rubber mee...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 04:10:00 GMT

INTERVIEW WITH ALLAN CUTLER 12/14/07 + polish translate

Hey Allan! How about you start off by telling us a little bit about yourself!! -I'm a Californian native born and raisedTell us how you got started in singing. -For as long I can remember I've been si...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 00:26:00 GMT

What is new in Allan`s life...

1-12-2007   Hi everyone on a quick lunch break. Having a blast!..Learning some cool moves..lolMade a few changes on my myspace page,,check it out.Ally  has made the next fan site from Italy....
Posted by on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 11:51:00 GMT

Lyric to What If ( oraz polskie tlumaczenie!)

What If =]   1. I don`t know you   I just met you boy   but somethin` got me   and i don`t know why    I don`t know you   I just met you girl&nbs...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:36:00 GMT

Allan`s blog in polish (from 19.09 till 3.10)

Blog Allana po polsku =] 19sty Wrzesien (Sroda)Obudzilem sie i poszedlem prosto do kuchni po poranna przekaske. Po sniadaniu bylem gotowy do pojscia do studia na caly dzien. Mam okolo 40 minut drogi o...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 13:22:00 GMT

Allan`s blog from September 19th untill 3rd of October

Wednesday Sep 19th: I woke up and went into the kitchen for a morning snack. After breakfast I got ready to go to the studio for the day. I have about a 40 min drive from where I live to the studio, s...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 00:15:00 GMT