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Randy Valtare

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About Me

Randall was born on a Thursday February 12 1970 at 3:15 p.m. in the city of Greenville Pennsylvania & lived just outside of a small town called Sandy Lake. It was Dutch country, where there wasn't much to do, so naturally music became a big part of his life at a very early age.With his older brother David turning him onto great Classic Rock bands such as Kiss, AC/DC, Nazareth, Rush, April Wine, & Led Zepplin he quickly developed a deep desire for creating his own style of music. Starting first on the drums at the age of 9 & taking lessons at school, he soon realized that his brother was much better than him & not a very patiant teacher or around much, so that led him to playing guitar at the age of 13.His first guitar was an electric Marquise bought brand new for $52.00 at a local run down & failing store. Although he didn't have an amplifier for months, it didn't stop him from playing 10 to 12 hours everyday after school, & seeing him on any given weekend was very rare because he was always in his bedroom playing. Delivering newspapers & cutting grass for money to buy more equipment, he bought his first amp which was a Marshall 15 watt.By the age of 14 he was impressing his older brother's friends, that had been playing for years, & was being asked to show them licks & tricks as to which they still had trouble playing dispite their years of experience. Tearing guitars apart & modifying them to his own specifications became a habit to him just as much as playing them & the bond is still set to this day.While moving around alot from state to state with his parents, he became more & more familiar with different styles of music including one of his Father's favorite guitarist Chet Atkins. With much love & support from both of his parents & motivation from his friends, he continued to play everyday while experimenting with other instraments such as piano. Although never taking lessons or spending any time on piano, which was one of his Mother's favorite instraments, he quickly impressed her by sitting down at one for the first time & played "Love walks in" within minutes.Being in several bands throughout his musical career, none of which caught on mostly due to lack of dedication & enthusiasm from the other musicians, has only increased his knowledge in the music field. For years he has been writing & composing original music, rarely playing cover songs unless requested. Prefering to move ahead, rather than be stuck in a rut to which is difficult to get out of, his music is constantly changing with no question that it's him playing.Randy is very modest, humble, & quite shy, with a sincere love for his friends, family, & fans. Never thinking of himself as a "Rock Star", but as a confident musician with a passion for music that grows vastly everyday & will always be his life.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/29/2007
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: Randy Valtare: Rythem/Lead Guitars & Backing Vocals
Influences: I have always appreciated & respected all types of music for one reason or another. I believe that if a song can put you in a mood, be it happy-sad-horny or mad... then it's a great song. A very special thanks to: All of the friends, family, & fans in my life, because I couldn't be doing this without your love & support! Les Paul, Fender, Charvel, Peavey, Marshall, Soldano, Celestion, GFX, Ernie Ball, Gibson, MXR, D.O.D., Schaller, AF7 Pre Amp Tubes, Floyd Rose, Semour Duncan, Baby Grand, New York Music, Guitar Center, Fordley's Music, Marx Music, Valley Guitar & Piano, MSP Guitars, Kings Music, ZZ Zounds, Whirlwind, Ruthie~ A&R Music Scouts, Levi Straps, Eddie Van Halen, Jan Van Halen, Bill Bill Van Halen, Loree Perkins, Randy Rhoads, LiL' Miss Ozzy, Big Big Ozzy, Delorous Rhoads, Kelly Rhoads, Zakk Wylde, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Exiled in Metal, Amber Rose, Don Moore, Barbie Jones, Steve Vai, L.B. Girl, Buddy Guy, My lil' Dude Koder, Joe Satriani, Beethoven, Johann Sebatian Bach, Sonic Age, Paul Gilbert, Gia Blay, Sharon Miller, Kimberlee Cordwell, Jen Hoey, Kissexy, Mary Krezel, Andy McKee, Stevie Ray Vaughn, My Frankenstrater's & Bicycle Painthead's, Neil Zlozower, John Mayer, Steve Lukather, Trace Bundy, Valentina, G.E. Smith, Kenny Chesney, Bosephis, Roberta, Kenny Wayne Shepard, Ronny North, Meshell Ndegeocllo, Michael Angelo Batio, George Lynch, Tony MacAlpine, Darrell "Dimebag" Lance Abbott, Slash, T. Roy Taylor, Tesla, Ace Frehley, Solsikk, Lenny Kravitz, Wolfgang A. Mozart, Debussy, Yngwie Malmsteen, Dick Gearheart, Jimmy Gearheart, Scott Gearheart, Kelly Salaz, Kenny Scavnicky, Dan Robinson, Doug Di Pretta, Paul Stanley, Billy Sheehan, Italia Leather Straps, Neil Schon, Billy Gibbins, Jimmy Hendrix, Pete Townson, Jake E. Lee, Warren Di Martini, Vivian Camble, B.B King, Terry Lauderdale, BG, Allen Holdsworth, Jim Dunlop, Brad Gillis, Jeff Watson, Adrian Vandenburg, Joey Kramer, Kevin Ubanks, Tony Iommi, Eric Johnson, Lita Ford, Tom Sholtz, James Hetfield, Kirk Hammet, Mathias Jabbs, K.K. Downing, Brian May, Ted Nugent, Keith Richards, Leslie West, Joan Jett, Michael Schenker, Rudy Schenker, Alex Lifeson, Jimi Hendrix, Nancy Heart, Angus Young, Malcome Young, ... and countless others for all of your hard work, blisters, endless hours of dedication, and pure love of music. Thank you all so much!!. Randy
Sounds Like: click Here For You Tube
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None