I could take up all the space on my page talking about me and how ive changed but i want people to read it so here goes, first and most important is my girlfriend TRACI , she is the most beautiful person inside and out ive ever met , i can see myself being with her for a long time , i love her ! as for me i live in a world today where i feel trapped i no longer care about name brands or popular products advertised on t.v. it all sickens me , i liken the world today to the matrix , i can tell somethings not right and ive felt it all my life , but now at 28 years old i finally see the truth ! the world around me is a terrible place to live ! i go outside to the dirty crowded streets and all i see are robots everywhere and what i mean by that is everyone is dressed for the most part the same !! they all look like the rappers on tv look , they all drive the same cars and even walk the same dogs ! have you seen these people ? its like they came out of a cookie cutter ! i see poverty on a scale unlike anytime in history ! the gap between the rich & poor is bigger than ever and still growing ,the IQ of this country is at an all time low , i see overweight and obese people everywhere and nobody seems to care ? i see people working their lives away just to make the next man rich , why is the world this way ! it is this way because the few & powerful at the top are controlling our lives ! they are slowly making more laws to slow us down and keep us in line , they are putting out all kinds of entertainment to keep us dummed down , and still it seems like the system the created in 1913 (the federal reserve)is failing ! money is the problem ! it is the main cause of crime , poverty , greed , hate , jelousy , and most other evils ! get rid of money and start a new sytem from scratch and the problems will dissapear ! of all the important documentaries ive seen id have to say the two most crucial and informational were THE ZEIGEIST MOVIE & THE VENUS PROJECT , please take the time to watch the movies on www.zeitgeistmovie.com .
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