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As taught by the intenders’; I know that the key to our greatest happiness, as well as our gliding as gracefully as possible through these times of great change, lies in our thinking processes. Once we fully understand that our thoughts are the building blocks of our future, we realized that the solutions to any challenges we were faced with are not going to come through political or worldly means, but through our becoming more vigilant of our thoughts. We simply needed to learn to hold our attention on the thoughts that serve us and discard the ones that don't.From the time we were small children we were taught what to think, but, in all our years of schooling, we were never taught how to think.Our ideas and thoughts have the power to help us manifest our dreams. It is really important when starting something new that we frame our future in positive terms. Rather than worrying unnecessarily about failure, we need to view our actions as already having achieved the results we want. Since we often don’t wish failure on ourselves, it only makes sense to put our energy into a positive plan for our future.Even though things can happen unexpectedly, if we have confidence in ourselves and our abilities to see our ideas through, we will be able to reach our goal. By keeping your thoughts positively focused on what you can achieve, you will gain the confidence you need to initiate something positive and lasting in our life.
MySpace Fairy CommentsBeing honest with others is one of the best ways to provide encouragement. At first we may feel uncomfortable with giving an opinion that is based on our true feelings, for when many of us think of motivating others, it is often in a cheerleader-like role. Learning to give advice that is rooted in love and concern today, will show that you truly care, for your ultimate goal is not simply to be there for another person, but to actually see them be successful in their endeavors.
I believe that you get what you think - if you think positive then you receive positive, if you think negative then you get negative.....ever heard you are what you eat and so you get what you think.....
glitter-graphics.comAs a parent I am very proud of my choices and know when it is my time to go or crossover I will have contributed to the world through my children and the choices they know how to make, therefore I leave a legacy. I believe that the truth is a powerful thing and that we have the power to change our life journey. Our minds are the most power tool given to us and we should use our GOD given talent to create change ~ the mind is a powerful thing and our society needs to understand that when you think positive ~ you will receive positive ~ if you think negative then you get negative.I am also very captivated with meditation, YOGA. I have faith in tarot card readings and astrology because it allows me to be in tune with myself and I think if more people would stop and look at themselves - where they came from, who they are and what makes them ~ them; then they would be much happier in their lives and would be able to contribute more to society which would make the world a better place to live.I also believe that we should never grow up ~ always allow the child in your heart to come out and play ~ life is more fun when you do, yep thats right, grab a hulla hoop, ride a bike, roller skate and live life to the fullest....I love to write because I speak from the heart and everyone that has read anything I have written has told me that they very much enjoy what I have to say or the way I say it. So, one day when I finally figure out what to write about....Under The HoodImportance Of Looking Deeper – DAILY OMIt’s easy to get caught up in examining our actions instead of really deeply examining ourselves. This can be deceiving because our actions may be very spiritual—we meditate, are nice to people, take care of ourselves and others—and yet, we may not be penetrating to the issues below the surface. It’s as if we’ve washed and shined the surface of our car without taking the time to check under the hood. We may appear to be in great shape, but if we aren’t engaging in the deep, inner work of self-examination, the chances are good that we are not deeply aware of the real substance of our lives..We live in a very appearance-oriented, externally focused world, so it makes sense that we place a lot of value on how our lives look, sometimes to the detriment of noticing how our lives really feel. When we get too caught up in what we are doing and lose track of our core, we sometimes begin to feel dissociated, as if we are not fully awake, alive, and grounded. This is a sure sign that it’s time to engage in the hard work of going deep within to rediscover the foundation of our lives.
glitter-graphics.comWithout the substance that comes from looking at ourselves deeply, and working through the difficult things we find, our spiritual lives can start to feel hollow or shallow, as if there’s nothing at the center holding it all together..Of course, the peace that comes with meditation and spiritual practice is an essential part of the whole picture of our development, but it serves us best in conjunction with the less settling, more chaotic work of digging around below the surface to see what needs to be healed, owned, or released. Then our actions are more than just an attempt to keep everything in control, looking pretty and nice. Fueled by the energy of a life in transformation, they become powerful expressions of courage and faith, further inspiring our own inner work and that of those around us..


My Blog

Expanding Their Vision

Nine Ways To Help Others Awaken to Consciousness   1. Living by your values allows you to become a positive source of inspiration for others. Dont hide  express yourself and embrace life without res...
Posted by on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 18:19:00 GMT


We have all had the experience of worrying about something at some point in our lives. Some of us have a habitual tendency to worry, and all of us have known someone who is a chronic worrier. Worry is...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Jan 2009 15:21:00 GMT

Choosing to Have a Mate or Being Single

The way we choose to love can be as unique as the way we choose to make a living, maintain our health, or entertain ourselves. Some choose to seek out a mate and enter into a partnership with a specia...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Jan 2009 15:03:00 GMT

Working Through Silence

Our lives are typically filled with noise. There are the noises from the outside world that we cannot control, and there are the noises we allow into our lives. These noises, from seemingly innocuous ...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Jan 2009 14:56:00 GMT


LIFE I AM THE NEW YEARLife I am the new year.I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.I am your next chance at the art of living.I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life d...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 18:59:00 GMT

Natural Meditation

Natural Sounds Meditation Daily Om The tool most commonly used to focus our minds in meditation is the breath. When we sit down to meditate, drawing our attention inward counteracts our habitual tend...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 19:24:00 GMT

In Touch With True Emotions

Gut ResponseIn Touch With True Emotions So often, emotions that we long to express get stored in our bodies instead. The space where this most often happens is in our bellies. Rather than telling pe...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Dec 2008 06:25:00 GMT

Growing Pains

Initiations For Growth   Life is about growth, which is wonderful, though not always easy. Indeed, many of life's lessons can be painful or difficult. Yet, such challenges are often the ones tha...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 19:34:00 GMT

Editing Your Life

Editing Your Life Our lives can be compared to an ongoing movie script over which we have complete creative control. Within us lies the power to examine what works or isn't working in our lives and m...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 20:22:00 GMT


As adults, we often get so caught up in "grown up" business that we can forget how to have pure fun. This isn't the kind of fun that comes from doing a specific kind of activity or being in a specific...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 06:36:00 GMT