AnyTHIng ThAt MAkes Me ThINk ..."hhhhhhmmmmmmm.... Thats InTerEstINg"... eSpEcIAllY StUFf ThAt FrEAks OuT NoRMaL PeoPLe... STuFf LikE...hhhmmmmM...GhoSt HunTIng AnD soME OtHEr StUFf....CrAzY ShEIt
SpaCe MonKiES FroM A fAr OfF GalAXy................Oh! and friggin kool peepsView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
4 legged Family members:clint the i do what ever i want dogeinstein the spoiled rotten peepee dogcordillia the baby with attitudemiller the lazy feline with dogisms
Slacker Kid
High school was a place you showed up occasionally, but you didn't really leave a mark.
You hated rules, authority, and structure. In fact, you still do.
Who Were You In High School?
Your Brain is 60.00% Female, 40.00% Male
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and femaleYou are both sensitive and savvyRational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headedBut you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
What Gender Is Your Brain?
What..s your pimped out ghetto thug weapon?
Brass Knuckles
You're into fist fighting. However, you're a pimped out ghetto thug, so you strap these babies on and BAM!
Click Here to Take This Quiz
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As LoNg AS I HaVe EARs On My Head IlL LiSTeN To It... I MIghT NOt LiKE IT bUT Ill LiStEN DaMN IT!... CaUse ThatS WhAT i DO....
Voltron Gets Served
All AbOUt ThEM TOonS BaBY!!!!...YEAh!!!... and SomE tIMes NEWs... BuT THats ONly WHen I NEED SomE THinG TO PUt ME TO SLeeP....
AllZ I GOTs To SAy IS ..JUsT Got TO HAve SomeKINd OF PiCtUreS
AnyOne WhO HAs TAkeN A STep TO BeTTEr THemsELvES OR TheWOrld