I'd like to meet:
I'm looking for Musicians those who are Passionate about Praise & Worship to God through playing music and dedicate your life and all the different Creative approaches. (Serious attitude)If something to touch you specifically or if you have a same heart, Please, Let me know. Here are some Spiritual conditions.IF YOU ARE~~1. Want to Love God, Praise God, Glorify God, rather than love music, talents and skills. 2. Fully understand that God & Jesus & Holy Spirit heart toward in this world. 3. Read and meditate on God's word and Writing a song while you get inspirations from His word. 4. Want to live a life "Heart of Worshipper" & "Worship God." 5. Want to dedicate all the talents; musical elements and whole skills into God's divine Calling. (Use for Salvation) 6. Want to dedicate Harvest for God. 7. Want to live with obedience, thanksgiving, glorifying Him and simply worship Him above all things.Please read carefully and pray about this, if God push you to do this or you've been praying for a long time to playing music or band stuff for God. Let me know and making a History for God together.I urge you to invite this Holy Calling and Holy journey with you and it's going to be a trilling experience ever.Also I'm going to make music like more freely. For example, Not direct praise and worship, like a band style. "U2, Coldplay, Hillsong & Hillsong United, Delirious, SwitchFoot, Matchbox20, MuteMath…etcAbove all thing are also as I influenced as well as all the music Styles like "60's 70's Rock & Roll 80's Rock, 90's Alternative, dance, Funky, Soul, Jazz, Punk, Hard Rock, Blues…etcI want to embrace every element of music styles and making a new influential song for the peoples who doesn't Know about Jesus Christ.More freely Lyrics for understand whether Christian or not which is God given to me for a long time ago."Band members consist of different nationalities (international band) Break through every cultural difference, and get fully Harvest for God on the last day." (Joel 2:28-32, Matt 5:13-16, 9:37)This is my aim for this band. Please let me know if you are interested or feel like your destiny or calling from God. Also I desperately need an advice, helping hands and encouragements. May God Bless & Peace be with youWanted Male or FemaleVocal 1 Chorus 1~many Electric Guitar 1~2 Bass 1Drum 1 Keyboard 2Sound 1~many Lighting 1~manyManagement Manager 1~manyIf you are fully skillful about MIDI or able to Arrange music, Let me knowSteve Jeong [email protected] [email protected]'s Get Rock 4 God!!