Friends, tennis, VolleyBall, Swimming, badmitten, creative things, poetry, making hilarious movies...
I prefer Country but I listen to almost everything other then the heavey metal crap... screaming has it place and time... which is not in a song
pretty much anything thats good, I love Chick Flicks :)...
I don't watch tv that much but when I do... I like CMT, CSI, Law and Order, Flip this House, Room Raiders, Date my Mom, Parental control, Next, Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, Music Videos, American Idol, so you think you can dance...
V. C Andrew's is my favorite author along with Nicholus Sparks....
Books= Flowers in the Attick, Peatals in the Wind, If There be Thorns, Darkest hour, A Bend in The Road... other novels...
My mom and dad beacuse there the best, they can do almost anything, and know almost everything.
And My Best friend April... Shes the frined I would have died without even tho shes a real hand full :).
I Love you April your amazing!
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