Smokin Today Hollister profile picture

Smokin Today Hollister

my style makes the ladies smile

About Me

Im Aaron and i am a junior at Brighton high school. When im in school im either really quiet or really loud and annoying depending on who i know in the class. Most of my good friends think of me as a very funny person. My parents names r jim and kim and i call them that. I like to work out too thats pretty fun when ur bored. I love wearing Hollister and abercrombie almost every day. I am 50% German and 50% Italian. Im usually on AIM (akolle42 = sn). Give me something better to do? Some things that piss me off are girls that yell instead of talking and laggy myspaces. I hate bitches. I also play Rugby. Dont bother adding me if u arnt going to talk to me!! When i finish college id like to move somewhere warm, preferably California, Texas, or Florida.
A friend:
"im dead dude..i got and harry were were smoking green tea all night and my mom came down and knew were smoking......she thaugh it was pot but it was green tea and i think she belived me...but she got all pissed and said shes telling my dad....and hes gonna drug test me and its gonna show up super high thc levels and there gonna know i smoe alot of weed....she came down at like 1 oclock cause the fucking house reeked of i hid all my serious shit and left my little minor shit and green tea for them to find...if i fail the drug test ill just say i found weed at the fort,,,but my life is over...there gona take my computer and tv and ill be grounded for like 1 dude........."
"ya i had to take a crap in the corner of my room because i was afraid to go upstairs and talk to my dad"
"Governments falsify history only so it favors them. But you can't blame them because people always hope for a 'miracle'. Endlessly complaining, lazy, nuisances...that's what the masses really are. Governments give the people what they want...and history repeats itself. Governments might well have taken advantage of their insecurity....but then again, people are satisfied with being used. 'God' is nothing but an image created out of their insecurity. It's their fault for knowing they're comfortably numb, and not doing anything about it."

My Interests

"Robs Hair Cut":

I got my fuckin haircut today.. and im really mad/sad.. i go in there, and i get it shapooed, cuase it feels nice :D and then shes like ok so what do you want to do with your hair, and i tell her, very calmy, clearly, and specifically... "i just want to get it trimmed up, especially around the bangs. the bangs keep getting in my eyes and its sort of annoying so id like them just below my eyebrows."

Evil little korean hair salon woman: "What about the back, want it shorter?"

Me: "yeah id like it alittle shorter, i mean dont get it to short just trim alittle, even it up, you know.. make it look neat."

Evil little korean hair salon woman: "ok! lets get started!"

....(45minutes later)

Me: "...... Wtf...... wheres my hair?"

Evil little korean hair salon woman: "i made it shorter! you know.. shorty short, for the summer! its hot out, you will thank me"

Me: "umm.. i asked for it trimmed, and you like.. Chopped off all of my hair.."

Evil little korean hair salon woman: "oh, well ok its free!"

Me: "great.. that solves everything.. you know what else i could have got for free?, Nothing!, i could have stayed at home and not get my hair fucked up and it wouldnt have costed me a thing!"

Evil little korean hair salon woman: "im gonna go get my instructor to see if theres anyhting she can do to make the hair more how you like it"

Me: "while your up.. could you get me an extra pair of scissors.. you know.. so i can stab myself in the face or somthing"

So.... my haircut was free.. but never trust 4ft tall korean women, you ask for a trim, but here was my error.. Trim must mean "Cut all my fucking hair off please :D" in korean

I'd like to meet:

Capricorn Compadability:Cancer of opposite sex: BestVirgo, Taurus: GoodAries, Libra: BadCancer of same sex: Worst

this is an awsome video of the last 3 minutes of a football game... WATCH UNTIL THE VERY END!

Your IQ Is 125
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Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional

Your General Knowledge is Exceptional A Quick and Dirty IQ Test




news, family guy


Some textbook from school