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I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Hey guys, my name is David Grimm, i'm 21 years old, i live in germany (cologne).I'm a man who wants to have a kid and who wants to marry just once, yeah there still exist people like that. Love me or hate me, but never forget me. there is nothing worse to show than the world as it is, you should talk about it, you can just make it better. I am *The suicide king* This isn't me I'm not mechanical, I'm just a boy, Playing *The suicide king* yes it's just me..just The DAVID GRIMM. This is the Golden Age of Grotesque. You see my space.... my photos.... my videos.. my blog.... and my friends..... all my videos on my Official YouTube Channel

My Blog

David Grimm's Official YouTube Channel

David Grimm's Official YouTube Channel Hey people!, here is my Official YouTube Channel
Posted by on Sun, 31 May 2009 20:44:00 GMT

I am a bastard

I would understand a releationship to my wifeI would understand a releationship to my ChildrenI would understand a releationship to my FriendsBut in which releationship i stand to myselfWhen i die wou...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 17:55:00 GMT

Ich bin Abschaum

Ich würde eine Beziehung zu meiner Frau VerstehenIch würde eine Beziehung zu meinen Kindern Verstehen Ich würde eine Beziehung zu meinen Freunden Versrehen Aber in welcher Beziehung stehe ich zu mir s...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 17:26:00 GMT


Some day i woke up and recognized that i was the last human being in the family and my friends left me.the people who were ever mean to me and who hate me they left me, too. now i'm alone.i...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 06:48:00 GMT


Ich wachte eines Tages auf und erkante das ich der Letzte Mensch auf der Welt war. Meine Familie und meine Freunde haben mich verlasen. Die anderen Menschen die immer gemein zu mir waren und die mich ...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 18:14:00 GMT