more animals
Crazy Cool Cats. And Jesus. He'd be the life of any party... and we'd never run out of booze! Also, my current obsession and guru, Grant Morrison...again. I can't wait to be abducted...
Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarantino, Mel Brooks, Monty Python (as if they are a single entity), Richard cut down this list, lets just say I appreciate anything that does not fit into the cookie cutter image that hollywood has created for us, basically anything that provokes meaningful thought, laughter, or anything else that rocks my world.
Family Guy, American Dad, Aqua Teen Hunger Force...most of the shows on Adult Swim really, The Simpsons, random repeats from my childhood, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, South Park, Spongebob Squarepants (children's entertainment at its finest), random shows on TLC, The Discovery Channel or The History Channel. I try not to watch TV that often, but when I do, those are the only shows worth watching.
I usually do enough research to know that I will enjoy a book before I read it. Because of this, I love far too many books for my little mind to even begin to list here. I suppose that's just a fancy way of saying I'm lazy, but if you are really that interested in knowing what sort of books I dig, then I can assure you that the next time we talk I will be more than happy to discuss literature with you. I am currently reading "2012" by Daniel Pinchbeck, and a shitload of comics, including (but not limited to) The Walking Dead, Preacher, Fables, and various marvel and dc titles (all-star batman, avengers, x-men, etc)
Batman, Spiderman, most of the X-men, all of the ninja turtles, and Luke Skywalker........what?