judy profile picture



About Me

My name is Judy, I live in Florida. I have lived here for 20 years. My daughter is adult film star Mary Carey.I am very proud of her for running for governor of California and coming in 10th place in 2003 out of over 100 candidates. She is the best daughter. I like when she visits me and takes me to really nice restraunts to eat with Daren Joseph. He is nice too. I was born in Ohio and adopted by my parents who I loved very much. They gave me and Mary great lives. I am currently healing from bad injuries. I had 11 surgeris in the last year and am lucky to be alive after falling from a 4 story building in Sept. 2006. I have been on the Howard Stern show 2 times and I love Howard,he helped my daugheter so much with her career. I am also going to be on my daughter's upcoming show on VH1 called "Celebrity Rehab" airing in Jan 2008. I loved meeting Dr.Drew. He saved my daughter's life. I hope to move to Ca soon to be near my daughter. Mary is my only family member. I also love my best friends Marge, Kay, and Pat.

My Interests

reading books, watching movies, and listening to music.

I'd like to meet:

Dolly Parton and Bill Clinton


I love Dolly Parton, the Monkeys, Hilary Duff and Beyonce.


Polyanna, Parent Trap, Saphire Girls, and any good comedy movies. I also love Shirley Temple movies. I also love Mary Carey movies, but only the ones on cinemax. Her other movies are for men.


General Hospital is my favorite tv show. I also love to watch the travel channel and history channel.


I love books about Abraham Lincoln, Princess Diana and any other auto-biography


Dolly Parton, Princess Diana, and my daughter