Leilani profile picture


Clarkson and Vishnevski just made my hit list

About Me

Everytime I look at this section I draw a blank. It's hard describing yourself when you have so many point of views of how you really are.

Take for instance, I'm beyond shy. Almost non exsistant at times. Sometimes it's hard to get a word out of me if I'm nervous or scared about a situation. There's also points where I'm beyond boring and depressive. It almost makes you want to cry.

But then there's my funny, social side. I can be overly talkative to the point of being annoying. I also sometimes grow massive balls to do dares, dance in public, and strike up a conversation with a total stranger.

That's basically me in a nut shell. Well...besides adding a sprinkle here and there of being overly exited about things that I love and my anger issues with people that seem to think they are better than others.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Christian Bale, Joaquin Phoenix, Cillian Murphy, Chester Bennington, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Jonathan Tucker, Garrett Hedlund, Rachel McAdams, Channing Tatum, anyone from the cast of Lord of the Rings...

There's a lot more but I can't think off the top of my head or I already met them.
Promotion Section:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I like you to meet the one and only...


Are we movie
compatible? My Flixster


The show touched not only my life but for a group of friends. The Black Donnelly's will live on. R.I.P.


My parents. They are going through so much and yet, they still are living through life as best as they know how.

My friends. They have been a driving force in my life and I have no clue where I would be and what I might have become without them.

Anyone that has had a hard life and has had to go through so much strife just to see that silver lining around that grey cloud. Those people who have lived out their dreams no matter what the odds were. You are the real heroes.

My Blog

Suicide Girls Models Needed!!!

If you are in the Tampa Bay area and are wanting a chance to become a Suicide Girl this is your chance to get your pictures done by an amazing photographer. Heather Dykstra is known for her edgy and t...
Posted by Leilani on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:29:00 PST

The Creek completes me.

So the reasoning behind making this little blog with video montage of Dawson's Creek is that these videos show WHY Joey and Dawson should be together. Joey loved Dawson ever since she could remember. ...
Posted by Leilani on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 04:22:00 PST

My treat to you guys...

Ok everyone.... So as of right now, if you voted for The All-American Rejects YESTERDAY to get the to the #1 spot for the FIRST time, then you are entitled to get a free ice cream.  My treat. Her...
Posted by Leilani on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 10:10:00 PST


I don't have shots of me in the video...yet...but here's some shots of me and my partners in crime during 'Making the Video'. I will post up the pics from when I was actually there in here when ...
Posted by Leilani on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:34:00 PST


If you tried to have added me on here and for some reason I didn't accept please don't take offense to it.  I go on myspace from my phone a lot of the time and usually it lets me add people on th...
Posted by Leilani on Fri, 02 Dec 2005 07:09:00 PST


Just for this week.  You guys REALLY don't understand how much shit I have going on.  Plus, I'm rambling my brain trying to help my mom out with bills and giving her gas money for work (long...
Posted by Leilani on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST