The Heart of The Band
A bunch of self-righteous, judgemental hypocrites... a short and bladed description that the bulk of American Christianity has well earned. An ironic combination of conditions if you think about it. And you know well, we all think we're right. We all secretly have it down better than the person next to us.Hi, my name is Brenton Dowdy and I am a vocalist and guitar player in a band called Nobody Famous. It is amazing to me the condition of the times we live in and the attitudes of the generations that currently walk the earth. We live in a time where one second we curse the driver in front of us for not using a turn signal and then two blocks later turn with out a signal. A time where one moment we repeatedly (and of course apologetically) interrupt someone's monologue with such good things to say only to be infuriated five minutes later when we ourselves are interrupted from our own. I realize everyday that I am a part of a problem of inconsistent logic and weak integrity.
I think the first thing you should know about Nobody Famous is that we don't have it all figured out. We are here to say that, "Man, we're nobody," and to add to it, we're not so good at this thing called life all the time. Though we'd like to always have the things that make great men great and make heroes heroes, we just don't. We strive to keep a mindset that every human by its own might is an imperfect as any other. We sometimes fail to remember it because of pride riding at our heels, but regardless of our struggle, we still don't believe we're any better than anyone else. Christian, musician, American, whatever.
We believe in a powerful teaching of a man we as a band and as individuals deem far more than just a man. We believe that a long time ago a crazy lunatic was exactly who He said He was. He tought things like "loving your neighbor as yourself" and that we should "in humility count others more significant than ourselves." We as a band have seen first hand the power and life that comes from a truth lived out and have found an infallible source of that truth.
Nobody Famous has "stumbled," across a power source, a life source that has brought about a radical change in the way we think and live, the way we see people, and the way we want to use our lives. I have been impacted by a teaching that has encouraged me to view all people as beggars roaming and digging for the source of life we want and desperately need. Nobody Famous is now a part of a group of those beggars who happened to find an unlimited amount of bread. Suddenly we don't have to dig around in dumpsters for food, for security, or provision and we want you and every breathing beggar on this planet to know where it is.
You will find that much of our music is about this one way or another. It seems that now that we have "found" this source, everything about us seems to come back to it to be satisfied and fulfilled. It's unlimited and never ending. It brought life where there was death, it brought purpose where there was none, and it promises and deposits in us the confidence that it will protect us from death and empty roaming forever.
Nobody Famous has been making music now for four years and has this year realeased it's first full length record, "Desperation Nation." We hope you'll find the lyrics pretty self-explanatory and encouraging. The songs are birthed from times of frustration and trial, times of us crying out for our discovered source to meet our every need. The source did. Then again the truths of the same songs pushed us through one of the more difficult seasons of our lives on another rush of desperation. We were desperate for something and had nothing. Now we have something incredible, and man are we desperate for it. Our life, our confidence, our satisfaction, the source that never ends and never fails, and the only thing good within us, Jesus The Christ.
It is His fame that we are primarily concerned with and we want our success to be for His glory. The unfamous declaring the Famous.
We hope you'll check back, add comments of how you're doing, questions, or criticism. Click here to join our mailing list to our "Official Nobodies" that gives more in-depth updates as to whats going on with our band in the future. Just specify that in the subject line or the body. We'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for checking us out,
Nobody Famous
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