Special K profile picture

Special K

About Me


These people are extremely popular with others, partly due to their suave natures. They are outgoing, yet conditioned, and are one of the most confident of all combinations of signs (east/west).

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet the Dalai Lama so he can teach me how to float while meditating.


Please email me if you are going to add me. I don't add people I don't know. I don't need to add a ridiculous amount of friends that I have no clue who the F&$K they are. I don't need to pretend I have a gazillion amount of friends. Thanks.


I once heard a story about an independent businessman named Arturo.

Arturo came into the dock early one morning with his small boat full of lovely fish, one for himself, others to sell. Bill, an Ivy League MBA on vacation, saw Arturo return to the dock while all the other fishermen were still out with almost empty boats.
Bill asked about Arturo, everyone agreed that Arturo was the best fisherman on the coast.

Bill walked down to Arturo and asked how he spent his days. Arturo said he fished a bit in the morning, went home to spend some time with his wife and play with his kids, then in the evening Arturo met his friends at a local restaurant for songs and games.

Bill got excited and proposed a partnership. Together they would build a fleet of ships that would benefit from Arturo's knowledge. They would Move to a big city, and later run offices and fleets around the world.
Arturo asked about the future beyond the world wide ventures. Bill expounded on the glories of the great cities and high society, finishing with the statement that when Arturo decided he was ready to retire he could go anywhere and do anything he wanted. Bill asked what Arturo would do with such a fine retirement.

Arturo replied, " I would fish a bit in the morning, go home to spend some time with my wife and play with the kids, then in the evening I would meet my friends at a local restaurant for songs and games."


My Blog

My NEW myspace page!!!! woo HOO!!

I had an old page a while back and after several years of myspacing I got tired of it and it was taking a lot of my time like it is again now LOL.but anyway I'm starting fresh again, and I'm trying to...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:07:00 GMT