If you don't know or like me right now...don't worry you soon will...
"Wishes which you wish upon you wish for more new wishes
If I wish not to work hard and study now, then I wash dishes.
Wish while I wash, the water, hot gets colder.
Black I'm saying that in fact the dish gets clean and I get older.
Seemlingy so, the dishes will grow until dishes are beyond me,
Lost my wish and broke a dish so now I'm wishy washy."
My life seems rather simple to me, yet sometimes complex to others. I would like to say that I have been through a good amount of strife and turmoil, but I have also experienced my share of joy and elation. I have had far too little money far too often and I have had way too much money not often enough. I have been witness to muggings and been missed by stray bullets. I have given a bum $2 for a 40 oz. and then gone and drank along with him. I break into old buildings for a chance to look into the past. I have broken into new buildings looking for a glimpse of the future. I walk through the city with my head pointed to the sky and my eyes constantly moving, constantly scanning the horizon. I walk though life with my head down and my thoughts focused.
First try...
American Cities That Best Fit You:
85% Chicago
70% Philadelphia
60% New York City
60% Washington, DC
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