Canaryville's Great, Great Prodigal Grandson profile picture

Canaryville's Great, Great Prodigal Grandson

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me
If you don't know or like me right now...don't worry you soon will...
"Wishes which you wish upon you wish for more new wishes
If I wish not to work hard and study now, then I wash dishes.
Wish while I wash, the water, hot gets colder.
Black I'm saying that in fact the dish gets clean and I get older.
Seemlingy so, the dishes will grow until dishes are beyond me,
Lost my wish and broke a dish so now I'm wishy washy."

My life seems rather simple to me, yet sometimes complex to others. I would like to say that I have been through a good amount of strife and turmoil, but I have also experienced my share of joy and elation. I have had far too little money far too often and I have had way too much money not often enough. I have been witness to muggings and been missed by stray bullets. I have given a bum $2 for a 40 oz. and then gone and drank along with him. I break into old buildings for a chance to look into the past. I have broken into new buildings looking for a glimpse of the future. I walk through the city with my head pointed to the sky and my eyes constantly moving, constantly scanning the horizon. I walk though life with my head down and my thoughts focused.
First try...

American Cities That Best Fit You:

85% Chicago
70% Philadelphia
60% New York City
60% Washington, DC
55% Atlanta Which American Cities Best Fit You?...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

If I had any inclination to meet you...there is a good chance we have already met. However, I have been known to be wrong on take a chance on me. If you start singing ABBA, I may punch you in the face or hug you...depending on the day I have had....

My Blog

Anyone up for boycotting HLN News?

Driving from Buffalo to Chicago can be brutal, as anyone who has done it my know. Doing so with a travel-weary pet on July 5th is near intolerable. After a while music becomes inane, so you ...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 21:52:00 GMT

Charts and Ladders!!

        So as you may know, I have been investing in stocks here and there for a little while now.  It was more about learning hat affects the prices and testing hunches and theories.  Some hunches we...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 06:57:00 GMT

Sox Lose, I win, We all Fall Down

        I am currently listening to the White Sox on the radio and it's not pretty folks.  They already won the series against the stupid Piranas (Minnesota Twins for those who don't speak Southside C...
Posted by on Thu, 21 May 2009 13:58:00 GMT

D-Bags, Bags, and Griffey

First off, can anyone tell me why Mike Krzyzewski was allowed to shepherd this year's USA B-ball team?  I know the focus of this team was supposed to be defense and restoring America's position a...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:20:00 GMT

Bold Faced Lies, Booing Paulie and other random thoughts...

So as you may or may not know, over the last few months, I have become addicted to doing crosswords.  Like most things in life they seem daunting at first but eventually you develop a knack for t...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 20:42:00 GMT

Idiotically Mike - Chapter 2

Just a reflection of an event that occured on Tuesday.  Hopefully you get a laugh out of my misfortune.  Any feedback especially constructive criticism is surely welcome.  so without an...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 17:14:00 GMT

Another reason why cars suck...

So first a little background: Good.  So now you have the lay of the land.  Heres a little something what it looked like early on: Here is what it looked like before CFD got there(this ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 16:11:00 GMT

Idiotically Mike - Chapter 1

Note:  Someone asked me to post more so this was certainly forced.  ENJOY.Idiotically Mike - Chapter 1: Kicked in the head by my muleI woke up and just had to pinch myself today,But I found ...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 20:33:00 GMT

first shot across the bow

Just a first shot of one of the coachhouse facades...nothing special.
Posted by on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:18:00 GMT