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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MY FRIENDS CALL ME DOODS, YOU CAN CALL ME EDGAR .. param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/0Wp0a3234PU" .. .. width="425" height="350" .. CHOREO COOKIES (who let the dogs out)@ FULL OUT 2006 ..C H O R E O C O O K I E S full out 04, 05, 06... TEAM NACU RYTHMZ TNR @ UCSD APSA Talent Show

Add to My Profile | More Videos TNR Boogie Wars VEGAS 4.28.07

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My Interests

Dancing (Team Nacu Rythmz), Working, Kicks, BOWLING is way fun, road trips (i love road trips to random places/planned destinations), counter-stike, becoming a good texas hold em' player, chillin with the brethren, expanding my knowledge, tyring to find out why god put me on this earth, japanese culture (amazes me), TRYING TO FIND OUT WHAT WOMEN WANT... so far they dont want me, FUCK THE FREE WORLD!!!!

I'd like to meet:

IM IN LOVE WITH GOAPELE, and would love to meet her, or see her live... i would love to meet Christine Lakin (AL from STEP BY STEP), Jessica Alba is my ..1... i would also like to meet people with similar interests, or maybe not....anyone who is nice and is willing to give me a chance to get to know them....hit me up with an AIM-oceansideDOODS....


-ive been listening to bay area hip hop for a little while now...falling off the underground, now im in my SLOW JAM / R&B phase...used to listen to- PROJECT BLOWED, ATMOSPHERE(mostly their old stuff), DEEP PUDDLE DYNAMICS, RHYME SAYERS, anticon, sage francis, alias, doze1, aesop rock, mystik journeymen, living legends, TYPICAL CATS, adeem, BEAT JUNKIES, futureshock, VISIONARIES, OF MEXICAN DECENT, WRITERS BLOCK, dilated peoples, lootpack, quazimoto, roundtable emcees, awol 1, shape shifters, freestyle fellowship, INI, Zion I, chino XL, planet asia (but i hate rasco), TRIBALIFE, divine styler, styles of beyond, ugly duckling, PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS, swollen members, J5, COMMON, mf doom, High and Mighty, K-OS, BLACKALICIOUS, saul williams, L.A. SYMPHONY, hieroglyphics (only old stuff, or tracks from DEL), binary star, isosceles, BLACKSTAR (mos def and kweli), GANGSTARR, big L,TRIBE CALLED QUEST, black eyed peas, fugees, pharcyde, procussions, dialects, bambu and kiwi, IM OVER THE EMO STUFF, but some bands i still listen to every once in a while...copeland, the early november, thrice, from autumn to ashes, underoath, waiting for autumn, schroeder...i love chill stuff- dwele, MUSIQ SOULCHILD, KANYE WEST, roots, slum village, michael jackson, nelly furtado, india arie, mark farina, GOAPELE, floetry, jill scott... -BUT- sometimes i like to listen to top40 stuff...never listen to the radio, just burned CDs or my ipod...IVE SEEN LIVE: swollen members, aceyalone (2 times), abstract rude (2 times), of mexican decent, bus driver (2 times), eyedea and abilities, J5, visionaries, loot pack, LA symphony (3 times), Fourth Avenue Jones, Galapagos 5, Living Legends (2 times), atmosphere, The Early November, Hey Mercedes, spital field, emery, Copeland, NFG, shroeder (my good friend ray) artificial amateurs (my good friends rock), invid, ashley simpson (my brother gets free tickets to club sea world cause his dance team opened for her)


ROUNDERS, SHADE, BOONDOCK SAINTS, CITY OF GOD, slam, passion of christ, A WALK TO REMEMBER, FAR AND AWAY, matchstick men, reqium for a dream, SUPER BAD, knocked up, disturia, heartbreak kid, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, SCHINDLERS LIST, MENACE TO SOCIETY, man on fire, DUMB AND DUMBER, royal tenanbaulms, the last samurai, REMEMBER THE TITANS, AMERICAN HISTORY X, KILL BILL vol.1 and 2, matrix tril., LORD OF THE RINGS tril., THE USUAL SUSPECTS, spirited away, BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE, THE BIG ONE, ed norton, jim carey, denzel washington, matt damon, will farrell, ben stiller, tom cruise, brad pitt movies, SNL movies, mighty ducks 1-3, STRAIGHT OUT OF HUNTERS POINT, sandlot, DOGMA, MALLRATS, CLERKS, CHASING AMY, JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK (any Kevin Smith flick), GOODWILL HUNTING, school ties, battle royale, virgin suicides, the others, go, 21 grams, above the rim, juice, gangs of new york, saved, ROCKSTAR, AMERICAN BEAUTY, a bronx tale, goodfellas, snatch, amelie, EQUILLIBRIUM, momento, irreversable (very disturbing), spun, SLC PUNKS, HACKERS, THE LOST BOYS, prayer of the roller boys, the good girl, trainspotting, salam bombay, EUROPA EUROPA, rosetta, monsoon wedding, Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN, la bamba, BEST OF THE BEST 1 &2, BLOODSPORT, COOL RUNNIN's, teenage mutant ninja turtles, kickboxer, american ninja...


Law and Order, SVU, CI... (the best shows ever), GREEK, Scrubs, SBTB, THAT 70's SHOW, BOY MEETS WORLD, FRESH PRINCE OF BEL AIR, friends, will and grace, i love the 90's on VH-1, recess,THE CHAPPELLE SHOW , family guy, futurama, my wife and kids, viking. GAY, STRAIGHT, or TAKEN (so freakin funny)...


parable of the sower, how the garcia girls lost their accents, our guys, bananas beaches and bases, the divinci code, nickel and dimed


My little brother....he encourages me to work hard and pursue any goal or dream i may have, also for proving to me that even though you have made mistakes in the past, its not too late to make up for it and your goals can be achieved...my older brother for being a good father to his son and becoming such a hard worker...my father because he knows what best for me...my mom for understanding me...my friends for being the best...SHOUT OUTS: the Brethren, Oceanside homies, FAT K, Team Nacu Rythmz, Choreo Cookies, Break Through...

My Blog


im never gonna change...if things change around me, i will adapt to it...but i will never change who i am...
Posted by oceansideDOODS on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 05:59:00 PST

vegas son...

vegas with the homies...a journey of nine men on a mission to find themselves, and get trashed along the way... sung, ray, jason, me, em, dennis, joe, ej, last because least Devin!!!...lol  ...
Posted by oceansideDOODS on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 05:21:00 PST

makes me feel googley

snowflake....sunshine....snow bunny....
Posted by oceansideDOODS on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:55:00 PST

i cant believe auditions are tomorrow

its in less than a day...im freakin out right now...not only am i teaching, my friends from others dance teams are going to see my shoreo for the first time...im on the nervous side...on top of that, ...
Posted by oceansideDOODS on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 10:39:00 PST


tonight was the last night im able to go to my favorite place in the world...next week our dance team rehearsals start, so i cant go back to JTs anymore....   she was there tonight....im still a ...
Posted by oceansideDOODS on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 01:41:00 PST


this will be the last time choreo cookies will perform, unless someone picks it back up next year..
Posted by oceansideDOODS on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 11:15:00 PST


tonight i took a FUNKS SD class at StudioFX....that was a fun class...i havnt danced in more than a month before today and i think imma get back into it...imma try other studios though besides FDA so ...
Posted by oceansideDOODS on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 10:36:00 PST

i dont dance

shit its been like 4 weeks since ive danced....i miss it already...guess imma start taking classes next week...maybe not at FDA anymore, maybe once a week at FDA, once a week at Studio FX for a UFX cl...
Posted by oceansideDOODS on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 09:54:00 PST

its all over

my scholarship is now officially over at FDA...dont know what imma do now, and how im gonna train...i plan to audition for two teams this summer since TNR isnt poppin off a summer team this year...hop...
Posted by oceansideDOODS on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 10:06:00 PST


FDA is holding a friends and family recital this saturday april 22nd...it starts at 6:00 at the Poway Performing Arts Center....tickets are $15 and this will be a good show....all groups under FDA wil...
Posted by oceansideDOODS on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:05:00 PST