-->haCked by esteLa
9.26.08 11:40PM tHis my frieNd/ex-bf aDrian. hE cAn bE my besT fRiend aNd my eNemy aT tHe sAme tiMe buT he'S reaLLy diFFerent frOm mosT gUys. wHen hE trueLy cAres abOut sOmeone, hE wOuld gO ouT oF his wAy fOr tHat persOn. frOm tHe tiMe we starTed gOin ouT he reaLLy cAred fOr mE aNd tHen wHen wE brOke uP, i trieD tO puSh hiM aWay frOm my liFe. buT hE kePt cOmin' baCk bCuz he careD aNd loveD mE evEn tHo i wAs beiNg a biTch tOwards hiM. hE's tHe firsT gUy tHat eVer trueLy loveD mE, buT i was tOO fooLished tO see iT. i tooKed hiM fOr granTed aNd iM reaLLy sOrry fOr iT. i cAme tO reAlize tHat tHis persOn is a REAL-TRUE persOn. hE cAn bE annoYin someTimes(tO me LOL) buT oVer-aLL tHis perSon is a frieNd tO have. hE hAs hiS fuTure sOmewHat pLanned ouT buT jusT gOing tHru sOme buMps tOwards hiS goaL buT i knOw he'LL maKe iT. tHis persOn TRiES hiS besT to chEEr mE uP wHen iM dOwn, aNd he cnT buT aT leasT hE trieD.weLL hAve mUch mOre tO sAy buT iMa gO tO sLeep. BRB lol-->haCked agAin
10.09.08 8:27PM aNyways tO cOntinue wHat i wAs saYin. tHis fOO heRe cAn reaLLy bE trusTed. hE cAn reaLLy bE trusTed. i toLd hiM my deepeSt seCret aNd hE hAsn't toLd noBody. i cAn taLk to hiM abOut anytHin', weLL excepT wHen iT cOmes tO guYs bCuz i sEEm tO aLways geT a leCture oR wHatever aNd tHen feeL stuPid aT tHE eNd. bUt hE cAn giVE adviCes. hE giVes mE adVices aNd i usuaLLy dNt lisTen buT tHats jsT mE bEing sTubborn aND i giVe hiM adVices aNd i tHink hE lisTens iDk. tHis fOO is sTarTin tO geT buSy jsT liKe mE buT nOt reaLLy. hE sTill hAs tiMe fOr fRiends unLike mE wHO bareLy dOes. weLL i hAve tO gO dO sOmetHing...bRb hahaThis profile was pimped out at PimpWebpage.com PimpWebpage.comMyspace Layouts
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