About Me
Hi, my name is Noon Tide Pantalaimon. I was named after a demon in some fantasy book, His Dark Materials.
Pantalaimon=means "allmerciful."
anyway.........just call me 'Noonie' for short...I don't care.
I am a handsome badass purebred 12 lb. Min Pin, but my mom says I am part fruit bat, part deer and part weasel. I am 2 years old now, but will probably always look like a puppy, because my mom did not want to cut half my ears off when I was a pup. Thanks for that. so yeah, I have puppy ears that flop and bounce when I walk. I have a hackney gait, which makes some drivers laugh when they see me out walking. One time, some lady stopped us and said I walk like a little show pony. Whatever...
I am a raw foodist...I wish I was allowed to eat cheese all the time...because I am part cheesemouse too. I have a tiny weenie, and most people ask if I am a girl first. I think my mom had the vet take my nuts away too early, after she caught me humping my monkey...I don't hump stuff anymore. I have had major orthopedic surgery on my knee, and it hurt like hell...but now I am faster and better than ever. And if you say the word "Bath", even quietly, one time, I will tuck my tiny tail and run away. Oh and the trash trucks freak me out too. Other than than, nothing scares me.
Some of my ridiculous nicknames are as follows; Satan's Little Henchman, Nooner, Boogie, BoogieBum, Boogs, Bud Bud, Batboy, Mr. Schmoo, Devilchild, Bossofme, Little Man, Prancer, PrancyBoy, Nooniebumbum, Nudie, Sweater Buddy, Security!, Cowboy, Tiny Dancer, Jerk, Skippy, Nooniepants, Handsome Boy, Vicious Boy, Little Freak, The Baby, Little Guy, Git-um, Hornka-Pig, Shithead, Piggy, Bing, Rippersnake, Dmitri, and Greedy Boy.This profile was edited with The CricketSoda Myspace Editor