100 Facts about the one and only “Matty T"
His Favorite color is blue
Boston’s the best city in his mind
The coordinators of all coordinators
Reeses Pieces, his favorite
Christmas is the best holiday
Season= Fall
He wears American Eagle all the time
Once dove for a Trent Lot falling and knocking over
a table holding 20 pizzas
Internet as we know it was shaped by Matty T
redesigning it
Once took his rage out on 43 orphans with a fire
Tonka is sexy
Henceforth you're more of an overachieving Asian
than I am (Chris Chung)
Wicked Awesome
His high school’s Malden Catholic
One of the better editors-in-chief of the Malden
Catholic Crystal 99...but Matty Shaps [thinks he was] way better
Likes making graphics
Matty T was a nickname made up by Mr. Flint
Went to St. Mary’s in Melrose
He wishes he was a part of MC's administration
Doesn’t wake up until 1pm even on school days
Enjoys longs walks at castle island while listening to Josh
Takes more 3 day weekends than days he actually
attends school
He looks like Matty D
Blond the hair is.
Is da’ Man
Nice guy
Wears glasses most of the time.
Once spent 24 hours listening to Cascada, James Blunt
& Christian Rock
New Country Music is good
Chris Neville & Mike Carroll became his first
original best friends.
When he gets mad he reminds
David Hatch of the Mayor in the Nightmare before Christmas
The first person to go to church on a weekly basis and
fail religion
Matty T is just a big bucket of love
His favorite Movie is the Polar Express.... Just
watching it transplanted him in a dream filled reality.
I once poured tomato sauce in your hair and so he made a screen
name about it
Once killed 12 dozen baby seals,
just to bring them back to life
He often made himself chocolate
peanut butter frappes for his Daily Scoop snack. During his snack, a
person came in and asked for samples of ice.
He once went to inform Ms. McGaune of his Kite Runner
purchase, yet found her not alive due to a cholesterol explosion.
Said no to the first girl who asked HIM out
He used to play hockey and basketball, but felt he was
just an average competitor