diEd~~[H]alls profile picture


[~aLoHaZz aLL...i'M *FaRaH*~]

About Me

WaNnA kNoW MoRe AbOuT mE...cHEcK It oUtsS
::about me::
01.My name is : NuR FaRaHiDa bTe MisRaN
02.I may seem : easy to smile..for anyone who know n didn’t know me.
03. But I'm really:friendly,open minded,ez going…
04. People who know me think : I’m quite serious…n complicated!he..but funny
05. If you knew me you'd : knew how simple and crazy I am!
06. Sometimes I feel : boring,lonely,blur….but most of d time..hepiiiiiiyyy...
07. In the morning I : wake up, pray, bath, prepared to skewl, breakfast, go home, chat, doing my part times[hag out wit frenz] ....tik tok..tik tok…then sleepy…..he..he…
08. I like to sleep : when it's rainy or when I heard sound made by aircond 4 half an hour like now!! Zzzz ZZzzzzzzz....
09. If I could be doing anything right now I would be : a singer [cuz i like 2 karaoke]
10. Money is : for us to buy anything we NEED!!! n0 moNey, nO TaLk`
11. One thing I wish I had is : a perfect family on my own…
12. One thing I have that I wish I didnt have is:bad life
13. All you need is : to know my ‘true colour’…
14. All I need is : to be loved by everyone I love…
15. If I had one wish it would be : i wanna be a ‘light’ to everyone who love and care about me…
16. Love is : a strength for us to live in this world..
17. My body is : a part of myself.he..he….
18. If an angel flew into my window at night I would : ask him to sing a bedtime song…ha..ha…no lah…hm I’ll ask him to bless all d people in thiz beautiful world!
19. If a demon crashed into my window at night I would : say… “don’t disturb me la weii…I wanna sleep!!!!”
20. If I could see one person right now it would be :pEoPLe wHo rEaLLy cArEs 'bout me~
21. Something I want but I don't really need is : my teddy bEar[mY b0o]
22. Something I need but I don't really want is :erm… I think if I need something,of course la I want!
23. I live for : my God,my family,my friendz,my dreams….n my future
25. I am afraid of : losing my memories,my family,my friendz….n my future
26. It makes me angry when : anyone who always judged or talk bad about another person eventhough he/she didn’t know anything!!!! [don't judge a book by it's cover]
27. It makes me happy when :my mom cook my fav food, lepak with my siblings,‘ronggeng’ with my beloved buddies n jeng..jeng..jeng…of coz la if I’ve been told that I’m loved by someone!!he..he…
28. I daydream about :,my dreams,my future…my beloved...also my enEmy!!
29. I am attracted to : someone who ‘think before talk’…cool,simple n open minded person…
30. I am unattracted to : smokers…selfish,lazy person…
Accept me as who I am..
I start feeling guilty
For the sorrows of those
Who try and care for my dying
Still not knowing the cause
They now seem to despair
Because they cannot help me
Get me back in the game
With common things they tell me
I want to appreciate
The troubles about
Me being what I am
‘bout which I don’t cry aloud
But I am beyond all help
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

my FrEnZ After a While.....(dedicated to a fren)
After a while you learn
the subtle difference between
holding a hand and chaining a soul
and you learn
that love doesn't mean leaning
and company doesn't always mean security.
And you begin to learn
that kisses aren't contracts
and presents aren't promises
and you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes ahead
with the grace of woman, not the grief of a child
and you learn
to build all your roads on today
because tomorrow's ground is
too uncertain for plans
and futures have a way of falling down
in mid-flight.
After a while you learn
that even sunshine burns
if you get too much
so you plant your own garden
and decorate your own soul
instead of waiting for someone
to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure
you really are strong
you really do have worth
and you learn
and you learn
with every goodbye, you learn...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ glad knowing you even for just a while...
keep in touch..
. my FrEnZ Dedicated to a Frenz
They make it official as couple today..
They broke off a few days Later...
They love each other...
But Y the break UP?

The GirL wont live long...
Doctor predicts that she only got 5 more years to go..
The GUy is scared for her...
Worry for her..
SO hE Broke off with her.. He still Loves her tou..
He's confused...

THe THought of losing her...
is Unbearable..
He still Loves her..
For who she is...
FOr what she is..

HE will always be by her side..
thou they're now just frens..
Promising himself that he'll always keep her happy..
thats a vow for the GIRL he Loves..

Dear Fren..
seek help from the ONE,
THe MErciful, The Benevolent
BE strong..
Have Faith in yourself..
U'll get through...
Dont u worry..
Hey tHeRe...!!
tHaNx 4aDdiNg ME aS uRr fRen...=)
nIce tO mEet yeAh...aNywAy...
dOn't 4geT tO Keep iN toUch...
hAve a nIce dAy...!!!



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~PinKLaDy~Hargailah dan pertinggikanlah peribadimu. Orang-orang yang bercita-cita harus mampu menaksir harga peribadinya secermat-cermatnya. Anda harus tahu akan harga diri dan harus selalu cuba untuk memepertinggikan peribadimu itu.....


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My Blog

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