About Me
~I believe in Karma!…so for those who have done wrong in their lives STOP your evilness now and try to do something good for a change.
~Cause and effect…when you give the world love and respect,the world will give you love and respect back.When you give the world negativity and contempt the world is going to return that negativity and contempt to you!
~ I love to run…yes that’s what I call a work out and everyone out there stop telling me to STOP running …as you can see it aint working!
~I enjoy just chillin at home by myself painting and reading.
~ You cant fight thoughts from going in to your mind, but you can breathe them out!
~Most Of the time I do not like being around anyone but me ,myself and Johnie. If I want to spend time with you I will call you! No, I do not feel lonely living on my own I ENJOY every second of it!
~If I have an idea and I am passionate about…I will NEVER shut up!
~I love my dog Johnie more than most people I know!
~The doubter is the most miserable of all mortals
~Do not confuse a setback with a failure!
~I have a dirty fuckin mouth! For all the preppy talking humans out there loosen the fuck up a bit! It will do you some good!
~I hate girly ,fairytail movies. Show me where the actions at and Ill join you for a movie
~Pressure can crack pipes but it can also create diamonds. You CAN turn struggle into a jewel!
~Remember that no matter how hard you’re working and no matter how strong your faith is , at some point you’re gonna hit a wall! Hitting a wall doesn’t make you a failure…running into a wall is simply a part of the human experience. You only fail when you quit and go home. Running into a wall isn’t a mistake either, you can only make a mistake if you keep running into the same wall. That’s why mistakes to me are opportunities.†-Russell Simmons
~Under-promise and over-deliver!
~I hate when people talk over me! Patience people, that’s rude!
~The love of my life Marshall Mathers, I want to meet him…so anyone out there who knows him hit me up! The best lyricist out there!
~Independence is the one thing I cant live without!
~I am easily annoyed so when you see the “look†on my face just stop talking to me and within 10 minutes I will love you again
~Larry David is one in a million…if you find him annoying then don’t watch his show and stop talking about how NOT funny he is. He is HILARIOUS!
~Remember to remember what made you excited about your dream in the first place and let that excitement drown out the negativity
~You have to be stuck on stupid to find sustainable success,as funny as this sounds its true!
~Mistakes only cost you when you don’t acknowledge them…understand that you learn more from a rocky road than you do from a smooth path
~I have very few friends because most have proven to be fake, backstabbing, liars …so you live and learn and keep those who you could rely .. to you
~You should let no one talk you into failure
~Do not correct me when I talk I hate it! I am Greek and sometimes I might say things the wrong way
~No my family is NOT like “My Big Fat Greek Wedding†.I hate it when people ask me that as soon as I mention I’m Greek
~For those who don’t know I am Greek NOT Greece and I speak Greek NOT Greece. We are not greasy people!
~Russell Simmons THE mogul! I believe he is a great person, no I have not met him but meeting him would be an honor!
~My best friend is my mom…she knows everything about me…unfortunately she lives in Greece
~You should have a never say die attitude! Can stop wont stop!!!!!!!
~Meat makes me nauseous
~I cant stand it when I run on the treadmill and the person next to me doesn’t know the meaning of a bath or deodorant…unfortunately I have to stop my run and move treadmills grrrrrrr.I have a veeeeery sensitive sense of smell, I can smell anything and everything on you, so don’t forget to take a shower before we meet!
~Listen to your imagination
~Whatever you can imagine you can achieve.Once you realize this truth,no one is going to be able to stop you!
~KFC abuses over 850 million chickens a year by painfully de-beaking them ,crippling them and eventually scalding them alive!
~David Chase please please please please pleeeeeeeease give me another season of the Sopranos…I miss Tony! As fat as he was I loved ever bit of him!
~I have been in love ones! I have yet to find that special someone that will not bore me to death
~One of the best ways to get your mind in shape is through the practice of meditation
~I am a vegetarian and yes I do think meat is murder! I wont preach…so if you want to have , breakfast, lunch or dinner with me you can order all the dead meat you want!
~The are no failures ONLY quitters
~Most importantly DO YOU! No matter what the fuck people think!"Isn't man an amazing animal? He kills wildlife by the millions in order to protect his domestic animals and their feed. Then kills domestic animals by the billions and eats them. This in turn kills man by the millions, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative-and fatal-health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer. So then man tortures and kills millions more animals to look for cure for their diseases. Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals. Meanwhile , some people are dying of sad laughter at the absurdity of man, who kills so easily and so violently, and once a year sends out cards praying for "Peace on Earth."