♥Hi my name is Tiffany Nicole Lawson. Here's some of my stats. Birth Date: 23rd of October, 1986 Birthplace: A very small town Height: 5' 11'' Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Parents: Roy and Joyce Lawson (actually their my maternal grandparents. I was never ever raised by my actual parents) Favourite Colour: Pink and Blue Favourite Food: Italian, Mexican and Chinese. I'm left-handed. My background is: British, Cuban, German, Irish and Italian. I haven't seen my father since I was 4 years old. I don't speak to my mother. We have really never gotten along. I have never forgave her. I mean how can you forgive someone that sign you over to your grandparents. She really never loved me to begin with. I have always had a love for animals. I guess that's why I'm a vegetarian. I have two dogs all girls: Sabella Colby Dexter(a.k.a. Sable)and Ginger Victorrea Spice(a.k.a. Ginger).♥
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