Luca Pizzuti, Born 1986 in Campobasso (molise), started to "Play" with turntables and amixer in the summer he turned 13 thanks to Pierluigi Buttino, Carlo Brunetti & Francesco Buontempo...From there the passion started togrow and as the years passed he worked his way to various Musical Hot-Spots in Molise.L'amnesia, the Colle Disco Club, Skankana, Frozen, Mamamè, BlackOut, were a few of these places. He startedto spin at Raves and as a closer DJ after Friend Festival Matese Concerts, not to mentionhis guest appearances on the Radio Hollywood Program "Night Clubbing". Having conquered theDJ scene in Molise, he's ready for the nest step. The road is long and hard to being thehead of Rome's Night Life.