cece love profile picture

cece love

I am here for Friends

About Me

well, this was extremely outdated. and only now have i decided to update it, i wonder if anyone will notice. . . anyways, im cece! and im currently a junior at UMASS Amherst. Although i will be taking first semester abroad in aix-en-provence, France it seems like i wont be leaving until forever and after the neverending summer lol im usually easy to get along with and alot of fun to be around. and if u dont know me already, u should! because im awesome : ) This layout was made by Awesome Layouts By Katielayout made by: Awesome Layouts by Sarah B

My Interests

i heart.... friends.football games.raping with laura.pineapples.well a lot of pineapples.kelly singing.laughing.talking.finding friends.on the phone conversations.waiting for a call.finding i missed a call.my fishies on my phone.driving out to corona to see my favorite ashley.leaving 3rd to get starbucks.or birthday cake.my dashboard cd.all my cds.the cd i stole from clare.dances.moron dances.katie and erika moves.watching out for "the hot guy."watching guys volleyball games.watching guys polo games. speedos.guys in speedo.short pratices.long pratices.bagels.scoring from the 2 on 6 on 5.sprinting.sprinting even with erika.swimming.swimming hard.even harder.laying in my bed reading.driving.driving my lame trakcer.NOT getting lost.the 5 south.helping friends.helping anyone.making a difference.
You're a Playful Kisser
Kissing is a huge game for you, a way to flirt and play
You're the first one to suggest playing spin the bottle at a party
Or you'll go for the wild kiss during a game of truth or dare
And you're up for kissing any sexy stranger if the mood is right! What Kind of Kisser Are You?


Congratulations darling! You're Holly Golightly
from Breakfast at Tiffanys. You love a good
party and you always look fabulous, but you're
really just looking for that one man who isn't
a rat.

Which Audrey Hepburn Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


You are Summer Roberts! You are loud brazen and
outgoing. You go girl! Your choice in men is
sound and your so lucky to have or will end up
with a guy like seth cohen

Which O.C. Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


my belly dancing teacher Angelika Nemeth! shes like the best u woouldnt even believe it!

My Blog

a boy wrote me this love story. . .

when he stared into her eyes he saw unraintable galaxies, rivers of flowers, whole oceans of old familiar places. but when he was around her, he couldnt find the words; he became lost in her- the way ...
Posted by cece love on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 11:48:00 PST

timberland, engineer boys and broken glass.

i miss your kisses.
Posted by cece love on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:01:00 PST

some birthday

alright so i was way elated that finally my birthday was coming up because it meant that its closing to the end of summer and we were having dolphins finals today. well little did i know that today wa...
Posted by cece love on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 12:12:00 PST


the usual: 1. accustomed. Usual, customary, habitual refer to a settled and constant practice. Usual indicates something that is to be expected by reason of previous experience, which shows it to occu...
Posted by cece love on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 07:54:00 PST


rwdroser03 (9:01:39 PM): Not really, I'm not going anywhere, and not having anyone over tonight.
Posted by cece love on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 11:51:00 PST

investment bankers have nothing on me

im going to have to lie about this because no one is going to believe me. i feel lost in the real world of today. how can we see from the examples around us to believe that its real. all and totally c...
Posted by cece love on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 09:22:00 PST

the day before the big day!

N0W.01. is your hair up: its down02. is your phone right beside you: on the floor04. do you miss someone: everyone from school05. are you wearing makeup: nope06. are you wearing chapstick: no07. are y...
Posted by cece love on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:54:00 PST

randomness after vegas

meh theyre pretty random.You Know You're From the OC When...You're sitting in traffic for at least an hour at any given part of the day... You go to the beach and see that real lifeguards actually do ...
Posted by cece love on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 11:11:00 PST

Wa is the best!

Wa is so the bestest ever!!! Wooo I heart wa!
Posted by cece love on Fri, 26 May 2006 01:20:00 PST

swim babies

im not going to lie im sitting here listening to dashboard and im flat out happy. as my weekends here at umass are coming to an end (i only have two left!) it seems like each weekend is getting better...
Posted by cece love on Mon, 08 May 2006 09:00:00 PST