Names Nikiee.Christina.Blakeney-Good-Fox :)
Rawrrr, I love you ! <33
I'm a random girl who loves to break out into dance randomly.
I could care less if you hate the way I look, act, talk, or anything I'm me, and I won't change for you or anybody else !
I'm a bi-lingal bisexual blond bitch :) but I love it to death !
I'm hated and loved equally so I'm used to both sides.
I don't judge people by how they look, and I DISPISE sterotypes, so don't sterotype me please.
I'm a little fucked up, but mehh that's me for ya,
Also I'm DIFFERENT, not weird/strange/odd/ or anything like that, just DIFFERENT get it right ! :)Ohh and I am like utterly in love with Elii <33 He is just perfect and I want to be with him now and Forever . Love you babe :)Also if you mess with ANYY of my friends your effing dead ! So don't think about it :)I'm F.I.N.E.
__F-fucked up