Jason Voorheesâ„¢ profile picture

Jason Voorheesâ„¢

About Me

JASON VOORHEESTHE UNSTOPPABLE KILLING MACHINEJason Voorhees was born on June 13, 1946, to Pamela and Elias Voorhees. Sometime later, Pamela was left alone to raise Jason. The circumstances leading to Elias' absence remain unknown. According to the story, Jason is deformed at birth, possibly inflicted with a condition known as hydrocephalus. Jason Voorhees as a child.According to the story, Jason attended Camp Crystal Lake in the summer of 1957. Jason's mother Pamela worked at the camp as a cook but was unable to look after him, so she insisted the camp counselors care for him while she cooked. Without the protection of his mother, Jason was ridiculed by other children at the camp, both for his hideous deformity and his inability to swim. Jason flailed his arms and cried for help, but the teenage counselors couldn't hear his gurgled screams since they were preoccupied having sex. As a result, Jason drowned, much to his mother's dismay.
Mrs. Voorhees went insane with grief after her son's disappearance. She swore revenge. She waited one year from the date of Jason's death to act out her vengeance. on June 13, 1958, when an anonymous killer stalks and murders two teenagers that were responsible for Jason's drowning by failing to watch over him. After the incident, the camp was closed. A few years later, Mrs. Voorhees allegedly sabotaged an attempt to reopen the camp by setting fire to it. Later still, Mrs. Voorhees poisoned the camp's water to prevent the camp from reopening. Because of these incidents, the locals around Crystal Lake began to believe that the camp was cursed and dubbed it "Camp Blood."
The camp was deserted for years until 1979, when a man named Steve Christy, whose parents had originally owned the camp, spent $25,000 to try to reopen it. This didn't please Mrs. Voorhees. Still hellbent on destruction, Pamela snuck into the camp and brutally murdered Mr. Christy and methodically murdered the six teenage counselors one-by-one in a very grisly fashion. After this series of horrific murders, there remained only one person alive at the camp, Alice Hardy. The movie continues with Alice eventually meeting Mrs. Voorhees at night, unaware of who she is. During this encounter, Mrs. Voorhees reveals to Alice the story of her son Jason and his tribulations as a child, and how the camp counselors, like Alice, were too irresponsible to prevent her son's untimely death. While telling the story, Mrs. Voorhees hears her son's voice in her head, saying the words "Kill her, Mommy! Kill her!"
Engulfed in this hysteria, Pamela abruptly attacks Alice in rage. Alice struggles for survival and violently decapitates Mrs. Voorhees with a machete. Alice, bewildered and worn down, walks into a nearby canoe and rows it out into the lake far away from the bloody murder scene, where she passes out from exhaustion. The next morning as police arrive, calling out to Alice as she lies asleep in the canoe in the middle of the lake. Waking up, she sees the officers beckoning her on land. However, the drowned corpse of Jason Voorhees abruptly bursts from the lake and pulls Alice off the canoe and into the murky water. The film finally transitions to the hospital, where Alice is shown to still be alive. Police inform Alice that her "experience" with Jason was merely a dream, likely a byproduct of exhaustion and trauma.
Jason unmasked in Friday the 13th Part 2 Although it was stated in the first film that Jason drowned, no explanation is given as to why, in the second film, Jason appears, seemingly alive and well, and having grown into an adult. Witnessing his long-lost mother's bloody demise, he was horribly devastated. Alice, his mother's killer (in self defense), was trying to get over the massacre when Jason attacked her in her home, stabbing her in the head with an ice pick. Jason then returned to the forest.
Five years later, a man named Paul Holt opens up a camp counselor training ground near the Camp Crystal Lake site. Jason, wearing a pillow case on his head to hide his disfigured face, goes into the area to drive them out of his home. After dispatching six counselors, he struggles with a girl named Ginny, who drives a machete into Jason's shoulder. Ginny returns to the training ground with Paul and they lock themselves in one of the cabins. A few minutes later, Jason appears to burst through the window and attack the two remaining counselors. However, it is disputed whether this was only a hallucination by Ginny, who awoke to find herself being loaded into an ambulance and Paul nowhere to be seen.
By the next day, Jason has left the campgrounds and proceeds to the residence of a couple living in the area from whom he steals new clothes before murdering them. He then makes his way to a vacationing spot called Higgins Haven, killing a total of ten teenagers. Without a means of hiding his face, he relegates himself to a barn until he obtains his now trademark hockey mask from one of his victims and begins wearing it. The sole survivor is a girl named Chris Higgins, whose parents own the resort and who was attacked several years before by Jason. Though she is able to hang him, it is not until she strikes him in the head with an axe that he is finally rendered unconscious.
Paramedics take Jason's body to the Wessex County Morgue. He soon afterward regains consciousness and promptly kills a coroner and nurse before he heads back into the woods where he murders teenagers renting a lakeside house and targets a family next door. A young boy named Tommy Jarvis finally destroys Jason by striking him in the head with his own machete. But Jason's fingers begin to twitch, and Tommy then continues to attack Jason's body, screaming "Die!" again and again with each blow.
The trauma results in Tommy spending the next four years in a mental institution, his grip on sanity severely questioned when paramedic Roy Burns assumes Jason's identity to exact revenge for the death of his son at the Pinehurst halfway house. The real Jason, however, is buried at Eternal Peace Cemetery beside his mother. Initially, the body was to be cremated, but Jason's father intervened to pay for a proper burial. Jason returns from the grave Years later, an older Tommy Jarvis has made great strides in overcoming his mental illness. However, he is still plagued by the thought that Jason could return, and with a friend's reluctant assistance, they unearth the killer's rotting corpse. Upon seeing the body, Tommy madly stabs the body repeatedly with a metal rod from a fence. When he calms down, Tommy prepares to cremate Jason himself, but the rod left in the corpse soon attracts lightning and Jason is reanimated. Rising from his grave, Jason is even more physically powerful, able to endure strong blows and gunshots with little effect. Jason himself even recognizes this new prowess, and unlike in previous confrontations, he does not retract or reel away when his targets fight back.
Tommy, however, devises a plan. Luring Jason into the middle of the lake, at the risk of his own life, Tommy encompasses Jason in a ring of fire and chains him to the bottom. Seemingly drowned in the lake in which he had drowned before as a child, Tommy believes that Jason is finally "home". Jason's body lies undisturbed at the bottom of the lake where it decomposes over several years. Although initially showing signs of life, it is presumed that Jason eventually did die or simply fell into unconsciousness.
Several years later, a girl named Tina Shepard, who lived by the lake as a child, returns in order to overcome the death of her father whom she accidentally killed using her latent psychokinesis. In an attempt to raise him, she winds up reviving Jason instead. After the slaughter of those around her, including her mother, Tina fights back, eventually raising her father to drag Jason back into the lake.
later, Jason is resurrected again by electricity, this time by a cable tow. When he comes by the cruise ship Lazarus, full of teenagers and bound for New York, Jason secretly boards and begins murdering everyone. When the ship sinks after an accident, he pursues the handful of survivors as they make their way to Manhattan. Once inside the city's sewers, Jason is seemingly washed away as the system is flooded with toxic waste. The issue of Jason's destruction is hampered by the perspective of the final girl who, when the waste clears, sees only Jason as a young boy, free of deformities.
This is not further explained in Jason Goes to Hell, and it is possible that Jason Goes to Hell exists within its own continuity.However, Jason's regenerative abilities could have returned him to his zombie-like state, or, the version of him as a child could be how the final girl saw him. Jason had been a local entity, known only to Crystal Lake, the FBI's attention was eventually garnered (presumably by the public mayhem in Manhattan), and a sting was set up. Once he falls into their snare, a SWAT team descends on Jason, blowing him apart. However, Jason's spirit laid in his untouched demonic heart. Jason's soul is then physically passed from host-to-host in an attempt to find a Voorhees, which is the only means of Jason being reincarnated, but a Voorhees is also the only one who can destroy him. Once reborn through his sister's body, his niece takes up a special dagger empowered by her bloodline, and uses it against Jason, sending him directly to Hell. The final shot of the movie is Jason's hockey mask abandoned on the ground. It is dragged, presumably into Hell, by a knife-clawed glove, the trademark weapon of Freddy Kreuger. Then it fades to black with Freddy's signature laugh giving way to Jason's ominous breathing.
Freddy vs. Jason. Jason is resurrected once again, this time, by Freddy Krueger, a serial killer with supernatural powers that allows him to control dreams. Disguising himself as Mrs. Voorhees, Krueger manipulates Jason into murdering a number of children in the Elm Street neighborhood in the hope the residents will attribute the deaths to Krueger himself and fear him once again. With this fear, Krueger's powers would regenerate and he could resume his role as a killer through dreams. However, after building up fear in the town of Springwood and restoring Freddy's power, Jason then kills one of Krueger's intended victims before Krueger has the chance to do so. Furious at Jason for taking away something he feels is rightfully his—a victim—Krueger schemes to put his murderous surrogate out of commission. Freddy uses a teenager to tranquilize Jason (and before going under, Jason slices the teenager in half), putting him to sleep and allowing Freddy to enter his dreams. Krueger challenges Jason and discovers his fear of water, but before he can kill him once and for all, Jason wakes up; eventually, Krueger is brought out of the "dream world" and into reality, face to face with Jason. The two then engage in a brutal battle on the campgrounds of Crystal Lake, and both combatants suffer injuries which would kill normal people (including getting impaled by steel rebar, numerous deep stab wounds, and dismemberment). After fighting to the pier of Crystal Lake, teenagers Lori Campbell and Will Rollins set the pier on fire and blow up a gas tank, sending both Jason and Freddy into Crystal Lake. After Freddy comes out of the lake and sets his sights on the teens, Jason impales Krueger through the chest with his own glove (still attached to his dismembered arm). Stunned and dying, Krueger falls to his knees and is then decapitated by Lori Campbell with Jason's machete, all while Jason sinks to the bottom of the lake. Jason is later seen leaving the lake with Freddy's severed head in tow. Because the head is seen winking.
The future The new and improved "Ãœber-Jason" as depicted in Jason X While much of the details leading up to his capture are unknown, in the year 2008 Jason is held in the Crystal Lake Research Facility (built on the site of what was once Camp Crystal Lake). Being unable to have Jason executed due to his regenerative ability, the researchers decree that Jason be held in cryonic suspension. Unfortunately, when a scientist decides to have Jason taken somewhere else to study his unique regenerative abilities, Jason manages to escape and murders several guards, before being lured by the project manager Rowan into a freezing chamber. As he is being frozen, Jason stabs a hole through the door, both mortally wounding Rowan as well as letting the coolant escape, freezing her with him as the room locks down to save the facility. This is Jason's last known activity as the facility is left undisturbed. Eventually Earth itself becomes an uninhabitable planet, with humanity relocating to a new star system, living on a world called "Earth Two".
In the year 2455, a ship full of students find Rowan and Jason's still-frozen bodies and take them back to their ship. The crew thaws the two bodies, reviving Rowan while Jason remains unconscious, leading the others to believe him dead. When Jason later wakes up, he goes on a killing spree until an android belonging to one of the student upgrades itself and blows off Jason's left arm, right leg, and head, as well as a large portion of his upper torso. Jason's remains are left on a bed used to help regenerate tissue, and the nanotechnology repairs Jason's injuries (including the hockey mask). The medical equipment discerns that there wasn't enough tissue left to reanimate Jason, but a glitch overrides the abort procedure. The nano-bots search for a synthetic replacement for Jason's tissue, and used the metal around them as a substitute, giving Jason his armored appearance seen above. When the process completes itself Jason's build is larger than before, his strength is enhanced enough to rip through titanium, and his body is virtually indestructible, being able to withstand gunfire and the center of an explosion with no visible damage. Ultimately, one of the few remaining crew members of the dying ship Grendel sacrifices himself by tackling Jason into the atmosphere of the nearby Earth Two. The fate of Jason after coming into the planet's atmosphere has so far only been addressed in comics and novels, which are not necessaril

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