Worse than a recession.
"A botanist of the sidewalk" CB
"Enlightenment behaves towards things as a dictator toward men. He knows them in so far as he can manipulate them. The man of science knows things in so far as he can make them. In this way, their potentiality is turned to his own ends. In the metamorphosis the nature of things [ding an sich], as a substratum of domination, is revealed as always the same. This indentity constitutes the unity of nature."
-Adorno and Horkheimer, Dialectic of Enlightenment
Yes, we're the Beavers of the Brain,
Just as busy as you please
Though we're frequently reported
To behave like lit-tle bees
Keep that Bulldog in your pocket
Do not bother to complain
Or you might get into trouble
With the Beavers of the Brain...
I currently reside at 22 michaeljordanismyfavoritebasketballplayer St. Assfuck, WI 11211