Main Entry: ger·und Pronunciation: 'jer-&nd Function: noun Etymology: Late Latin gerundium, from Latin gerundus, gerundive of gerere to bear, carry on 1 : a verbal noun in Latin that expresses generalized or uncompleted action 2 : any of several linguistic forms analogous to the Latin gerund in languages other than Latin; especially : the English verbal noun in -ing that has the function of a substantive and at the same time shows the verbal features of tense, voice, and capacity to take adverbial qualifiers and to govern objects................I have no idea what that means.
The Three Stooges. Hell, I'd even be happy just meeting Shemp. I wouldn't ask him for an autograph or anything, but I'd make him buy me a beer. I'd drink that beer. Then I'd drink another one. Then I'd probably buy him a beer. Or perhaps dare him to take a shot of Tequila with me. Yeah, Tequila with Shemp would be cool.I'd also like to meet number 11. Apparantly he's been looking at all my underwear.Maybe I'd like to meet myself in a dark alley. That would be creepy as hell, but think of the stories I'd be able to tell.
Bluegrass. Yep, bluegrass. And a mess of other music too. Mostly jam bands these days. Gotta love that... width="425" height="350" ..
Kung fu movies kick ass.
Cartoons. I'm pretty sure that I'll be watching cartoons till the day I die. They just never stop being funny. I also watch every televised UNC basketball game. It's like a piece of home on national TV.
I like 'em. But not the crappy ones as defined as anthing written by a Bronte sister or anyone who would disagree with this statement. I dig Vonnegut when he's writing stories and not that self-indulgent talking-directly-to-the-reader stuff. The Trial by Kafka is pretty awesome. You can't go wrong with a little gonzo journalism from H.S. Thompson. Poetry's pretty great too: Kerouac, Payak, Kipling. And to be honest, some of the best things I've read have been graphic novels (nerd for comic books). Neil Gaiman's Sandman series is an absolute must read. It should be the subject of college lit classes.