I am Ed Townend, a freelance music photographer and journalist. I take photos and edit them in a dynamic and different way. Invite me along to your gig, and as long as it’s in Cardiff and I’m on the guest list, I’ll come, take photos, edit them and give them to you for free. Simple as. It’s Stellar service, and it’s spontaneous photography. Enjoy.
If you want me to take photos at your gig, please contact me . I only attend gigs in Cardiff.
1) How much do you charge for live photos?
Nothing. Live photos are free of charge. You can use them anywhere, so long as they’re accredited to Stellar Spontaneous Photography and have a link to http://stellar.scorpiusdiamond.co.uk
2) How much do you charge for promo shoots?
For promo shoots, I charge £15 for a one-hour session, £5 for every extra hour and travel expenses. Finding your own locations for shoots will end up making your shots better suited to your tastes.
3) I don’t like this watermark, can I get rid of it?
Nope, unless you want to give me a large amount of money…
4) Why?
To keep going as a photographer who gives shots for free, I need recognition, and the only way to do that is to watermark my photos. If you feel your watermarked photos are too obtrusive, I can change them.
5) Where can I find my photos?
http://stellarspontaneous.fotki.com/ - Then look for your band’s name. (If you’ve been part of a festival, you need to open up the right festival folder)
To see in more detail and download any go to my website :