About the people of First Nations! People of the First Nations, rose against all odds!! They fight even today for their rights to have their ancestral lands. Hope... guided by the winds of opportunity and belief that as native people they can stand against all odds! Yet now joined by many across the world, who have come to live on their land, they find freedom! The world apart, together they stand! Where long aged battles were once fought, now stand gorgeous cities. Where grandmother willow once stood looking out along the forest bed watching the brown people play among it, now stands high skyscrapers scratching the sky. Where do I now tread, where light does not fall? She may ask herself.
Among reality, the people had their kingdoms, they had their Kings and Queens! They had all things!! People fight everyday, they fight to survive, they fight to change all things among all peoples! However, mankind cannot live without fighting, and fighting will always exist and never fade among people… if mankind were to get along then that would mean that mankind would cease to be what they are… warriors, bent on owning what they own… we are people that must stop things such as this, we must fight the crime, we must fight the diabetes, we must fight the suicides, we must fight the murderers, the drunkards, the drugs, the racism, the war, the people bent on destroying peace, we must fight the fight and bring peace on our land, that our ancestors fought to keep, and in the effort lost millions, and cultures faded, and traditions were lost, and languages scattered into the winds… we fight… not because we were told to, not because we were challenged, but we fight to unite, now and forever, because the creator gave the land to mankind, and mankind can live where he must, but never steal… mankind is mankind and that includes the world… but First Nations fight for their reality, that they are the almost absolute non-represented people in the Americas… with the highest, in crime rates, in suicides, in diabetes, in drug abuse, alcohol abuse, domestic violence, killings, violence, and are the poorest no matter how rich some may be, but yes others barely find their food, and their houses are stained with dirt and other unhealthy matters, but that is reality and the First Nations fight for what they want, their respect to have what it is their great mothers and fathers fought for… freedom, hope, integrity, peace, love, and the most important among many others, respect for each other and all living things created from he who sits in heaven… reality is as true as true could ever get, and without mankind knowing it they would never get through life… breathe because you have to, love because you feel it, have courage because you want it, fight because you care, hope because its there, prosper because you can, smile because you have it, live because your meant to, be whole because in this unending circle of life, we will never stop circling, life comes and goes, and those that enter we greet them, and those that leave we bid them safe travels, for we will all meet in the far distant heavens, where HE sits, watching and waiting… First Nations … All stand tall!!!
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