Casey Anne. profile picture

Casey Anne.

About Me

My name is Casey Anne.
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I love my sister
my friends and music play a big part in my life!
i have a.i.m. and i am on it all the time

this is my sister she means the most to me as of this year.
i have a phone and if you want the number ask me
What i really want in life is a boy who
will love me for me and my body
is an addition...
I want someone i can trust and if i am crying to ask me
"just dont listen to them baby" or
someone that cares for me and wont hurt me fast and hard
I am a very moody child.
I can be happy one second,then freak out the next!
I will flip over anything!When i say this i mean ANYTHING!
But i am a happy kid if i am cool with you.
I hate fakes! I dont like to hook up with random people.
I dont like being pressured.So dont!
You may not like me you may call me annoying, well i am and i really dont care everyone is from time to time i just do it all the time!
once you meet me you will know my friends and sister mean everything to me. i really dont need you i have what i want and i am happy as i am.
if you wanna ruin someones life go find someone else cause i can be a bitch i know.But if its needed then i will be an even bigger bitch!
I love to mess with people its a hobby!

My Interests

I have my friends then people i know then people i wish i didnt know.

Dillon,Jay,and John are My favorte cherokee kids!They all are so different but they all know how to make me smile.I love you guys.
Sami,Callie,Stephanie,and Erin are my best friends i could not be any happier with my life.
MORGAN!you are an amazing person you help me and my family through alot. I am happy you moved back to Ga.You know what you want and how you want it you are the sweetest 20 year old i know and i am happy you are my cousin!
My boys,such as Robert,Luke,John,Marc, Hunter,Nathan they are the only boys i would walk around with for no reason!In 95 degree weather in pants and a jacket to see them skate.
Stephen,Nick,and Jared amazing they just are themselves and dont try to impress you.They are sweeter then anything.

If i forgot someone tell me and i will find something to say about you.

I'd like to meet:

I have everybody for now
And some i dont.But thats life for you.


My New Krew
The Others
My cherokee friends