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Myspace Contact Tables xoxoxooxxoxoxoxo*WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* Click here to get Falling Objects *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY* *WENDY*
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xoxoxoxoHello, im wendy =] I am married to Steve With 2 kids David & Katie.I am director in a company which is a joint partnership with my husband. Got a little pooch called Roxy who loves long walks along the cliffs and beach at bridlington. My fave pastime is shopping with my best bud Julie we can go for hours spend hundreds then finish with a drink we luv a laugh. Getting old but then again age is just a number i still feel like a 21 yr old inside & my daughter thinks i act it sometimes i embarrass her when ive had a few drinks xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

imikimi - Customize Your World

My Interests

Partying,Music,Going out with friends,Shopping,reading Scary Films. my computer watching rugby & american footy johnny depp..Myspace Comments.. .. .. .. ..

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp Sean Bean Johnny wilkinson--------------------------------------------------- --------xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxxxoxoxoxoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Motown is my fave but i love anything with a bit of go to it I just love REAL WILD CHILD by IGGY POP/elvis/80's texas /robbie williams / queen /t rex / bon jovi/ rja /all time low//blink182/cher/mika/ DAVID JORDAN he is going to be big watch the vid and watch this space


Scary Movies johnny depp films Disaster & space Movies armageddon independance day anything with whoopie goldberg die hard dirty dancing classic disney films elvis & doris day movies Comedies weepies ghost bodyguard rocky / rambo/ loved sweeney todd
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Vicar of Dibley men behaving badly shameless Music Channels Friends how to look good naked love gok wan old cartoons like tom & jerry, bugs bunny, yogi bear,flintstones******************************************** *****8....-----------------------------------


anything interesting reading johnny depp biography at the minute dan brown stepehen king patricia cornwell romance----------------------------------------------------- ------
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my mum & dad i miss them the men & women in the forces looking out for us JAMES HE;S ONE BRAVE BOY ------------------------------------------------------------ "

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imikimi - Customize Your World

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my celebrety lookalike

Posted by wendy on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 03:13:00 PST