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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

While traveling to other places,visiting restaurants and grocery stores, I noticed labels such as, "local food", on menus and price tags.I realized, what a treasure it would be, for schools,hospitals,nursing homes,and restaurants in my hometown,, to have a menu, or price list, filled with local food choices.Grown, by this community, on it's soil.Local Food Co-op's would be a key element to this idea!Members would make a living doing what they do.. and eat the best of the best..Win, win ,situations ,don't come easy or often.A local food system, would just be a group of friends with a desire of gardening and people with fresh food needs.I try to stay informed and take action on issues affecting me.While dining, or making a buying decision, I try to spend my dollar at a local business.( )When you give a dollar to a guy who lives and works in your and supporting his family in your neighborhood..the dollar turns over many times right here in the pockets of our neighbors and in your pockets.. making our neighborhoods safer. It is time for a local food co-op "My Space" page with info on local farmers.Most rural communities and (parishes) county's in our country used to have 30-100 farmers.These 100 farmers also had gardens and farm animals,which provided culturally appropriate food for our community.These farmers had plenty to sell or trade with neighbors.. Today, we have 3 or 4 farmers with no garden to sell to the public..These mono-farmers,are good people..some ,I consider my friends..have so much to offer if they planted appropriate food for the community..Slowly ..we are giving up our choices of what we eat...For this reason,I am developing a myspace for local farmers,ranchers,fishermen and consumers.If you grow local food I welcome you to my space.A community of consumers and producers of culturally appropriate food is a win win situation.My grandparents grew and ate food essential to surviving during tough times..If you have similar interest of promoting, growing, or access to local food,i.e..(farmer,web site designer,artist,grant writer,etc.etc.etc.If you have a desire to see your neighbor prosper buy local...If you have ideas or suggestions in forming a co-op ,please leave a message or comment

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm not looking for a soul mate at the moment.I'm looking for people who love to smile and have happiness within.Managers, who are calm,cool,and collective in action, and thought.Someone who takes a moment to breathe and think before they react.I'm interested, in forming alliances with a broad array of individual thinkers and doers, in the hope of building food security in Southwest Louisiana.I'm especially interested in working with people concerned with social justice,food,labor,and many other similar issues.Experience in mass media,grant writing,managing,book keeping, and experienced farmers are a must in building food security.Food security, is achieved by building organic/sustainable, farms/gardens, throughout a city or area.It's always an honor to meet a Veteran.Favorite links:Food activism (,fin ding local food,(buying activism,women activist(I hope I meet a code pinklady one day..),youth activist.If you want a change.....,media for social justice activist.. activism you have a small garden and have vegetables for sale please contact me.In many areas Community Supported Agriculture groups are bringing together people willing to help plant and produce for a share.

My Blog

An Experiment in Back Yard Sustainability As fuel and food prices get out of reach for some Americans we will have to become self sustaining.I posted this video in hopes it may inspire mysel...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 12:16:00 GMT