I'm not looking for a soul mate at the moment.I'm looking for people who love to smile and have happiness within.Managers, who are calm,cool,and collective in action, and thought.Someone who takes a moment to breathe and think before they react.I'm interested, in forming alliances with a broad array of individual thinkers and doers, in the hope of building food security in Southwest Louisiana.I'm especially interested in working with people concerned with social justice,food,labor,and many other similar issues.Experience in mass media,grant writing,managing,book keeping, and experienced farmers are a must in building food security.Food security, is achieved by building organic/sustainable, farms/gardens, throughout a city or area.It's always an honor to meet a Veteran.Favorite links:Food activism (http://www.foodsecurity.org)http://www.localharvest.org,fin ding local food,(buying activism http://www.buyblue.org,women activist(I hope I meet a code pinklady one day..) http://www.codepink4peace.org/,youth activist.If you want a change.....http://www.freechild.org,media for social justice activist.. http://freepress.org..political activism http://www.infowars.com.If you have a small garden and have vegetables for sale please contact me.In many areas Community Supported Agriculture groups are bringing together people willing to help plant and produce for a share.