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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

First and formost...The best way to get ahold of me is to call,I love being outdoors and rarely check my messages and e-mails...I don't care what color you are,man ,woman, fat ,skinny, gay, straight, young ,or old as long as you're cool you're my friend. HATE is a plague on our society and culture, not to mention our spirituality. I don't wack intellectual on religion or politics. I'm a firm believer in "What comes around goes around." So, I strive every day to be a genuine positive dude...I'm from a small town in California (not worth mentioning as it's been swallowed up by the desert)raised by bikers and hippies.Through my family I have always had an interest and fescination with tattoos and tattooing. I was torn from the dunes and transplanted to the bay area "ghettoburbs" and found a fascination with fire works,punk rock and girls.As soon as I got used to the poorbian life I was again torn away and shoved face first into country living in McKean Pa.(mommy's home town). There I dicovered the joy in home grown weed and dirt bikes and punching out farmboys who didnt't like my mohawk...and beer.I'm now drug and alcohol free.After a minimal stay and graduation from high school I joined the Army and thus apprenticed to be a tattoo artist. I worked part time in shops off base where ever I was stationed and finally started full time when I was Honorably discharged in 1989.WSince then I've been around the world learning as much as I can from some of the best artists in the world...In Eerie I have tattooed over 15,000 happy, satisfied clients. I can be reached at (814)403-5911 ,but don't be a dick and call after 10:at night.If you need to send custom art or visual referance to me my Email is [email protected] I don't waste my time doing small stuff. To know me is to love me,or totally hate me. Whatever you choose to do I could care less.Those who choose to love me get to know a great guy who is fun,happy,respectful,and awesome to know. Those who choose to hate me get the a chance to get a five knuckle blast for talkin' sh*t...I'm a tattoo/multi media artist and musician. Wanna jam?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Any one who wants, loves , and gets killer tattoos, digs punk and stoner rock, and beer...

My Blog

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