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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi, My name is Kenny Aldrich. I am 22 years old, I have two sisters who are both older than I. Tracie Williams and Kellie Rhoden. I have wonderful parents, Larry and Brenda. They have supported me through the worst and easiest of times. I have a wonderful Girl Friend named Tiffany Wood! She is so awesome! I am a Christian who strongly believes that things that were said that could never be done or that wouldn't happen, can and have happened! Jesus is who I want to be like. Jesus is the way the truth and the life!!! He is the One who can set you free! If you Love like Jesus loved and Live like Jesus Lived, you can have a heart of careing and become more christ like. I strongly believe actions speak louder than words ever could! Get to know Jesus and he will change your life for ever!!
I own a Black 2004 Chevy Colorado and a White 2001 Chevy Silverado 3500 and one day soon hope to own a Hummer. I Live in Aiken just a mile or so from USCA. I work for my dad as a construction worker/ helper/ electrician/ plumber/ designer/anything to get paid. I am what you would call a 10 in 1 kinda guy! That is how I look so good. (work out with hammers and nails) I play golf a lot and am one day hoping that this life somehow will take a turn so that I can play on the PGA Tour. If you would like to know me better than add me as a friend and send me an e-mail. Thanks for reading and take a look at my friends.
This is an AWSOME Site www.lustadultery
Check this out its my new website for my business!
Kenny Aldrich

My Interests

I am interested in anything that has wheels. . I love to play around with stuff just to see what would happen. I like to play golf, soccer, football, and hunt. I like to go bowling, ice skating, skiing , go to the movies, or just the stole around the park. My hobbies include, work, work and more work. I like to hang out on weekends if I am not working or playing golf. I am up to anything, been to many bars but I do not drink. I just like to hang out! I don’t Drink nor Smoke. But I don’t mind hanging out with either. I like to shop if that is weird to bad! I own two trucks at the moment, a 04 Chevy Colorado and a 2001 Chevy Silverado. Money is there for you to spend it why not use it! ..
Airborne Hummer? Army vid of HMMWV off-road drive

I'd like to meet:

I am holding out for a woman, not just any woman. No I want the special one, the one that God has put a calling on her life. The one woman that is a God fearing woman who doesn’t care about the looks or wealth of this man. I want a woman who searches the heart of the man rather than worldly items. One who cares more for the people around her than herself. That is who I would like to meet. Kenny Aldrich


Christian Rap, Rock, anything that has a good beat!


It's a MAD MAD MAD MAD World, Rush Hour, Rush Hour 2, The Ghost and the Darkness


Dont have time for TV shows


Where the Red Fern Grows is my favorite book!!!!

My Blog

Long time no talk to

Hey to alll of my friend out there! I am sitting home working on a computer and got a little bored. So i got on myspace and saw where i have not written a blog in a long long time. So i figured why no...
Posted by Kenny on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 05:52:00 PST

.... dunno

I didnt know what to write about really. I havent felt like writing for a while now but... on my way home i just felt like writing and here i am... a few months ago i started talking to an old friend ...
Posted by Kenny on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 08:19:00 PST


I need some prayer about a lot of things... just keep me in your mind through out the next weeks. Thanks 
Posted by Kenny on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 09:23:00 PST