Diego Godoy profile picture

Diego Godoy

Welcome to my site

About Me

I’m 16 years old I was born in Badajoz (Spain) in 1992 I Started to play classical guitar at 7 years old and, since 13, i play electric guitar. I play rock, metal, neoclassical metal, progressive, and a bit of blues.. My influences are, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert, John Petrucci, Brett Garsed, Andy Timmons, Neil Zaza…Now, my gear is : Ibanez prestige RG1570 mrb, Yamaha RGX-121SJ, Marshall MG15CD & DigiTech RP80I have had classic guitar class, but in electric guitar , i have autodidact education, with master lessons in books and videos.Tengo 16 años empecé a tocar la guitarra a los 7 años y hasta los 12 toqué la clasica y a partir de ahi la electrica. Ahora tengo una nueva guitarra (Ibanez Prestige RG1570mrb) pero antes tenia otra (quer sigo teniendo pero ya no uso xD) ( Yamaha RGX-121SJ ) Mi estilo preferido es el Metal Neoclásico, pero también me gusta el Blues, el metal, el Rock, Progresivo (metal como rock)My Gear:Ibanez Prestige RG1570 mrb Line6 POD X3 Marshall MG15CD Yamaha RGX-121SJ DigiTech RP80 --------------------- Sony Vegas 7.0 Cubase SX3 Nuendo4 EzDrummer

My Interests


Member Since: 10/26/2007
Band Website: youtube.com/15MetalRocker
Influences: Yngwie Malmsteen , Andy Timmons, Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai , Joe Satriani, John Petrucci, Neil Zaza, Brett Garsed, Michael Romeo...
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None