my name is jason lowe. this isn't a band, i just make music. i don't make a certain kind of music, i just let things flow, and it comes out sounding like it does. i always ask my close friends for ideas, or if this idea would sound cool. i mess with presets on synthesizers, and improvise some guitar here and there. i'm from san jose california. i'm living in a shitty town. i wish i had a 9v battery for my wah pedal. i like it when notes harmonize, and my favourite time signature is 3/4. i like to explore places, and i don't like writing music about girls. i also enjoy using a pitch shifter in my lead solos. sometimes i'll play a simple chord progression on my acoustic and sing about jesus, i used to do this at sevags place, but that's too far away nowaday's. if you're reading this, and happen to know a good drummer in my area, tell me-that would be most appreciated. peace.