Alternative, Grunge, Metal, Grind, Death Metal, Black Metal, Noisecore, Pop Rock
Eat My Dick
We Eat Cunt
(The boys have choosen to use the letter of their first name to represent themselves due to legal reasons. 'Q' is the question being asked)The band visited the Quarentine Station to revisit the dead. But soon realise the dead vistited them."We 'tried' to record this track there, Sha°kli B'tahate (listen to the fucking words itll make sense) but the fucking cunt security guard prick told us to get fucked." 'F' tells us. "So we smashed one of the windows outside of the quarentine station and followed a tour group in after them. We went to some room on the left what ever the fuck that means, and started recording just the vocals."Q: What does the song title actually mean?R: Well fucked if we know really. First thing that came to our head and it was 2 words in complete and utter gibberish jable jumble junk cunt fuck shit.
G: My li'l sister said if you say it slow it almosts sounds like "Schackley Bit Of Hate", and thats really how your meant to pronounce it aye, but i think id know a bit more on the subject and debate of the song name as i came up with it. Faggot. Its Aeramaic for, 'God's strength within.' Something my grandma wanted to let me know before she imploded from cancer.
R: Oh, yeah.
G: Dont worry mate, Sha°kli B'tahate, Hahaha you fucking cunt!Q: So what where you actually doing?F: We where hoping to wake the dead. We just went their to record our song, just with the fucking vocals or some shit aye. We asked em and they told us to get stuffed. We took great offense to that and where going to raid the place tear gas and feces BUT we smashed one of the windows outside of the quarentine station and followed a tour group in right after them. We went to some room on the left what ever the fuck that means, and started recording just the vocals. We played it back when we got home and weird shit is on there. Stuff we didnt fuking record. Intense whispering and weird demonic like phenomina sounds and like, weird fucked up shit. We put it all on the recording. We think its some sort of latin or spanish backwards, we have no fucking clue. Listen to it. I dunno fucking play it backwards. Heeps pf whacked shit occured in that place, deaths, gas, drownings, murders fucking intense shit.E: Yeah! When we initially recorded the "Fuck You's", it sounded nothing like that. It was just not really even screams like that you hear on the actual recording. Its so fucked. Its as if a demon is screaming out to its excorist, "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!" its heeps fucked and scared the fucking cunt outta me, cuz i was there!A: Yeah fucking biggest fucking cunting sound. Like the fucking sound of the those screams, or fuck you's or what ever the fuck they wher,e where not even fucking recorded like that when we did fucking record em. Fuck they where like softer and not as loud, and there wasnt any weird fuking echo and voices n shit either. Just one pace of "Fuck you". It was simple. Nothing like that on the fuk'n recording. I was even suprised some dead ghost fuck even appeared and got onto the recording.Q:What did it feel like to be in that sorrounding atmosphere?R: There was a strange 'evil' auroa almost being in that room. I was pretty fucking scared haha, i was like seriously fuck this shit im outta here. Fucking gay shit.A: Well when i was in that room, i felt something grab my arse, probly some old slutty ghost.G: Hahahaha. Nah that was 'R'.R: Fuck you cunt. It was probly your old slutty grandma that died of cancer you fucking faggot!G: Wow, i'm cut, i'm cut deep.R: Good! I hope you die of AIDS.G: Yeah maybe, you gave them to me in my sleep.R: Nah, your mum did when she raped you as a kid, and i got them from your mother when i fucked her last thursday!G: Go eat your cock faggot.R: Don't have too, your mum does it for me every thursday night, and so does your dead grandma on Fridays! I fuck her in the cancer.G: Oh yeah! Cool. You gay prick shutup!F: You guys are both poofs, lets get this over and done with so i can go home have a bat and puff joints.G: Are we done?R: The ripping sounds in the song are pages being ripped from the Quaran we stole from the state library...Eat my shit! The wooshing sounds you can hear is a 60cm dildo being spun at like 120km an hour that we attached to the back of a boat motor, the other sound is a fan, we took out the fan peice that makes the wind, and glued blades, and metal and bits of knives onto it. We turned it on to test it out and one of the knives flew out and hit 'G' in the arm. Hahahahaha.A: Hahahaha, faggot.G: Eat me dick.R: So yeah the fan with knives was altered and made better, so this time we wouldnt have bits of knife flying everyhere. I went in my yard to get glue and i found a dead bird near my shed, half roted. So i stabbed it with a stick and brang it back into the garage where the fan was. Put the mic on record and fed the rotting bird through the kniving fury of hell and fucking feathers and crusty blood and brain matter went all over the fuckin place, a cunt to clean mind you. So i ring up 'G', cuz his a faggot, i mean butcher.G: Your a cunt, you know that? Yeah?R: Well, yeah! Anyway i tell him to bring around like some haggas or some shit. Something heeps foul, he brang like fucking...G: I brang tripe, oxe tounge, leg of lamb un-shaved, 2 lamb hooves and umm thats about it.R: We fed it all through the fucking fan of doom. Pressed recored and Jesus was the answer. Hahahaha, the funniest thing ive ever seen.G: Went fucking everywhere.R: And the hoove got stuck onto the blade and went around and round for ages. HahahahahahaE: Yeah we took down all our music n shit. Make you wait.R: If you are wondering we are like a death metal band. We dont usually play like this noise core stuff like Sha°kli B'tahate. We play like more metal, grind, noisey kinda punk stuff.F: We got our first Ep coming out soon called, " Uterus - Keep Me Safe ", recording now. You Very MuchK H A R L E T U S